Damim Sign With Church Road Records, Release Single
London based extreme metal mainstays Damim have signed with Church Road Records. With this exciting news comes the brand new single 'World Turned Hell'. This track sees the band further exploring the avant garde, whilst still offering up a slab of head-banging metal.
Check out the video here.
Vocalist/guitarist Nathanael had this to say about the track...
"A perfect example of the twisted sculptures of mangled metal we like to build, our new track "World Turned Hell" sits at the convergence of many traditional influences of Black, Death, Thrash and even Heavy Metal or Post-Punk. Like a lot of our favourites, you need a foundation of aged riffs that have been allowed to mature in the vats of our subconscious, a good portion of more recent finds that compel you to play them over and over again, along with the glue of rehearsal room spontaneity to bind everything together.
Trapped as we are in this disturbing and fast-changing world, I dare hope that fans both old and new can find solace in our latest expression of the existential outrage experienced in deep personal grief."