Album Review: Nailbomb - 1000% Hate
Reviewed by Carl Black
"I'm a metal slut" said Max Cavalier recently on the Talking Bollocks podcast when asked if he'd drop a guest vocal on Acid Reign's yet to be recorded album. The Brazilians metal band body count is substantial. New project after new project. The gentleman loves a project. In 1994 we didn't yet know quite how much Max loved to work with different musicians. Nailbomb seems to be the catalyst for his passion for extracurricular activities.
During the second leg of the UK Arise tour, Earache originals Fudge Tunnel were chief support. No doubt during those weeks on the road together, Alex Newport and Max outlined and visualised what would become the highly influential thrash/ industrial/metal band and side hussle (before we started calling such things a side hussle).
1000% Hate documents this loud, bright flash of brilliance that had the underground metal community gripped. The music is heavy and aggressive and the songs are totally unique and special. Dissonance Productions have put together an impressive package with 'Point Blank', the original album plus a double CD of the incredible gig at the Dynamo Festival from 1995, originally released as live album 'Proud To Commit Commercial Suicide'.

Super group is a rubbish term and when you hear it you cringe. But the live line up was a force. As can be heard on the live recordings. Featuring additional members from Sepultura, Biohazard and The Dead Kennedys, (big rumours at the time was Dave Grohl was going to sit behind the kit) this was a meeting of minds that landed very well.
But this is less about the music if I'm honest. It’s an escape, a time capsule, a link to the past when heavy music was very exciting. New frontiers were being broken down. Metal looked different and sounded different and it didn't matter. The old guard liked it but took a step back and watched from just in front of the sound tent. The new kids loved it and took control of the pit, front and centre.
Many of us never got to see Nailbomb. Many of us craved new material that never came. 1000% Hate is a better product because of that fact and it might be the closest most of us ever get.