Album Review: Gun - Hombres
Reviewed by Tim Finch
Seven years have past since Scottish rock superheroes GUN released their last dose of new music. This April they are back with album number nine from their distinguished career, ‘Hombres’.
From the opening notes of album opener ‘All Fired Up’ you can tell there is something very special about this piece of work. It is a polished, clean sounding rock album, but there is more to it than just production values. The guitars sound silky smooth, Dante’s voice is better than its been in a long time and, as they told me a few weeks ago, they have poured their heart and soul into this, and my god it shows!
Many will be familiar with ‘Boys Don’t Cry’, the single that has been getting regular rotation on Planet Rock radio, and if you liked that, you’ll love this record! There’s a familiar, welcoming warmth to all the songs. Upbeat rock ditties that can’t help but drag the listener in.

Whilst the majority of the album is filled with upbeat, rocking tunes, ‘Falling’ switches things up. The soft introduction leading to a brilliant vocal passage from Dante before the power of this track truly ramps up. Almost choral segments, alongside a thunderous drum beat build this song, the atmosphere electric as it continues to grow minute by minute. Each chorus louder, faster, more passionate than the last, leading into the guitar solo. It is something special for sure.
What GUN have managed to do with ‘Hombres’ is produce their most accessible album, possibly ever. If you weren’t a GUN fan before, you will be now. It has enough punch to keep the old fans more than happy, whilst opening the door for a new wave of fans to jump on board.
Just three years shy of their 40th anniversary, GUN have produced their best album to date, showing there is plenty of life left for them yet!