Album Review: Nebula / Black Rainbows - In Search of the Cosmic Tale: Crossing the Galactic Portal Split
Reviewed by Paul Elphick
This is a new split EP, much like the Old Man's Ruin series from the late 90s that were so popular and help create the stoner rock scene, features Nebula the American band and Italys Black Rainbows. For Nebula, who have had an awful time over the last few years suffering the death of long term bassist Tom Davies, this EP is the first recording with Ranch Sironi on bass who sadly passed away just a few weeks ago.
Nebula start things of with 'Acid Drop', a click of an amp turning on and we are off. A real head shacking foot stomper with a sound not far removed from Eddie Glass' previous band Fu Manchu. Eddie lets rip with a great solo giving it that almost 70's garage rock feel.

Now onto Black Rainbows, the band have been honing their songwriting skills over the last few years and seem to be getting better and better. Their sound isn't as garage sounding as Nebulas, more of a straight ahead rock sound with hints of space-rock featuring. The first song 'The Secret' starts with a nice catchy riff. It's a straight ahead rock song building into a Sabbathy groove by the end. The second song 'Thunder Lights on the Greater Sky' has hints of Clutch with a nice little groove, if alas a bit easy and uninspiring, sounding a lot like a lot of bands did doing the stoner rock thing back in the early 90s. Finally we have 'Dogs of War' a catchy blues rock number which also builds into space rock territory. This could almost feel like a Monster Magnet out-take.
Overall its a great EP with Nebula just coming out on top. I'm looking forward to hearing more in the future from both bands. Whilst I think Black Rainbows played it rather safe here and need to spread their musical wings in future.