Album Review: Black Smoke Trigger - Horizons
Reviewed by Tim Finch
A new name to many, Black Smoke Trigger burst into the UK in May when they joined Iron Maiden vocalist Bruce Dickinson on his solo tour. Playing to 3000 plus people a night is a great way to establish a new fan base, and ever since Black Smoke Trigger shirts have been a constant sight on the live music scene.
To back up their introduction to the British audience, this week they release their debut album ‘Horizons’, a record that will set those foundations the New Zealanders started building earlier in the year.
What is delivered with ‘Horizons’ is a dynamic modern rock album. Taking inspiration from that classic rock feel, but layering it with sounds, concepts, an aura that makes it something else.

From the genteel introduction to ‘Phantom Pain’ it rumbles into a modern American feeling rock classic akin to Alter Bridge, Creed and the like. From here the pace picks up into the rush of energy that is ‘K.M.T.L.’ and the fist pumping banger that is ‘The Way Down’, which reminds me a little of Those Damn Crows.
The band manage to vary pace, musical ideas and emotion throughout the record which results in an enthralling listen that you can never get bored of. ‘Perfect Torture’ introduces acoustic elements to a classic rock tune that builds in power perfectly whilst ‘Set Me on Fire’ returns to the fast paced onslaught the band touched on prior.
‘Horizons’ as an album is not ground breaking, very few things are these days. But what Black Smoke Trigger have done is build upon a classic sound to produce a unique album that will stand the test of time. Having already experienced them live we now eagerly await their return.