Bloodstock Bound: Tim Whyte and the Deadbeats

Bloodstock Bound: Tim Whyte and the Deadbeats

Bloodstock Bound: Tim Whyte and the Deadbeats

As Bloodstock gets closer, we delve deep into the line up to find out more about some of the bands playing the New Blood and EMP stages at this years event.

Today we chat with Tim Whyte and the Deadbeats

The Razor's Edge: Please introduce yourself and your band mates.

Tim Whyte and the Deadbeats: Hello, I'm Tim Whyte and these are my Deadbeats.We're here from deepest darkest Scumerset (sic) to play our own brand of energetic, in your face Rock and Roll.  We have David (aka Germ) laying down funky, smooth bass lines, Joe with his slamming rhythm guitars and backing vocals, Chris (Frosty) brings all the shredded noodles and Jason holds everything together with gaffer tape and pounding drums. And I do the singy/shouty stuff over the top.

The Razor's Edge: How would you describe your sound?

Jason: After a gig, somebody told me that we sounded like "Motorhead and AC/DC beating the crap out of The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin in a darkened alleyway, while GG Allin watches whilst {** doing something unspeakably unsavoury **} behind the bins."  - I can't give the exact quote because it was far too NSFW/explicit, so it's more of a paraphrase than a direct quote. But it still paints a pretty vivid mental image of our sound.

Joe: Upbeat, dirty, classic rock 'n roll with a punky metallic twist.

Jason: I think that's more or less what they were alluding to.

Tim: I just wish they'd said something like “Chris Barnes watching whilst {redacted} behind the bins”, instead of GG.

Joe: Well, they said what they said Tim, we can't really change it!

Jason: It's only one persons opinion. I don't really see where they got Led Zeppelin from either, but they more or less nailed it.

Tim: I suppose...

The Razor's Edge: How did you land your spot on the Bloodstock bill?

Tim: We won the Somerset Metal 2 The Masses competition this year.

Jason: But we've competed in M2TM Somerset every year since 2021 and got to the finals each time.  So 2021, 2022 and 2024. M2TM Somerset didn't happen in 2023

The Razor's Edge: How tough was this years M2TM competition?

Tim: It didn't really feel like a competition at all because we were mostly playing with local bands that we know.

Jason: There was a really chilled vibe between the bands. But the quality of the bands and their performances were top notch.

Joe: And throughout the competition, in the heats AND the final - it really could have been anybody's game at any given point.

Chris: It must have been tough for the judges to decide.

The Razor's Edge: What does playing at Bloodstock mean to you?

Tim: It means a lot to me - I played Bloodstock with Flayed Disciple in 2010 and 2012 and the shows were absolutely amazing. It's going to be great to be back.

Jason: I love Bloodstock, I've been a few times over the years. My old band Kinasis competed and won M2TM with a stand-in whilst I was injured in 2018 (broken ankle and torn shoulder). So I had to watch them play Bloodstock from the side-lines, which was a kinda bitter-sweet thing for me. So finally being able to play Bloodstock myself is something I can cross off my bucket list. My other band No Thursday War have competed and got to the final of M2TM Somerset three times (2019, 2021 and 2022). And as previously mentioned, we (TWatD) also competed several times before finally winning this years competition. So the road to Bloodstock has been quite a long one for all of us.

Tim: And aside from me and Jason who have played some huge gigs and festivals with our old bands (Flayed Disciple and Kinasis respectively), Bloodstock is by far the biggest gig that any of the others will have ever played.

Joe: So far!

Tim: Exactly!

David: I also think it's really awesome that a major festival like Bloodstock are supporting the grass-roots music scene and giving unsigned bands a platform like this and a chance to  play at Bloodstock. Even if you don't win M2TM, it’s a great experience, because you get to play some great shows and network with the other bands you're playing alongside.

The Razor's Edge: For people who’ve never seen you live, what can they expect at Bloodstock?

Chris: Where will these 'real' musicians be Tim?

Jason: Somewhere else. He can't possibly be talking about us?! Ha ha!

Tim: No, I meant you guys - I was being nice!

Joe: Flattery will get you nowhere Tim.

All: {laughter}

Bloodstock Bound: Tim Whyte and the Deadbeats

The Razor's Edge: What day are you performing?

Tim Whyte and the Deadbeats: Friday

The Razor's Edge: What other bands are you looking forward to watching at Bloodstock this year?

Tim: Deicide, Sadus and Rogue Limb.

Joe: Deicide, Carcass, Hatebreed, Amon Amarth, Clutch

David: Carcass!

Jason: Most of the lineup to be fair. This years lineup is great. But if I had to pick three: Clutch, Carcass and Deicide.. Oh and Igorrrrr!

Chris: Amon Amarth, Whitechapel, Deicide and Carcass.

The Razor's Edge: Playing the New Blood Stage is just the first steppingstone in a bands journey. What’s next in your plans for world domination?

Tim: We recorded a mini album with Ash Scott from Acres at Emperor Studios in Bridgwater. We've released two songs as a single called 'Single or Double?' in the run-up to Bloodstock, featuring the songs 'Depression Annihilator' and 'Potter Blues'.

Joe: But we need to record a couple of videos and get the artwork finalised before we can set a release date for the album. We plan to self-release the album.

Tim: And after that, who knows? Download? Headlining the Pyramid stage at Glastonbury? Ha ha ha!

Jason: I think I will have spontaneously combusted, died in a bizarre gardening accident or choked on vomit long before that happens.

Joe: But they won't be able to prove whose vomit.

David: They can't dust for vomit can they?

All: {laughter}

The Razor's Edge: Are you camping with the fans? Which campsite are you heading for?

Tim: I think we'll mostly be camping in the performers camping area.

Jason: Yes, I want to get some skin-care tips from Glenn Benton and get Neil Fallon's legendary Maryland crab-cake recipe.

Tim: But we'll definitely head out for this years official Bin Jousting.

Joe: David and Chris might be bringing their partners if they can get tickets, so they might be camping somewhere in the public camp-sites.

Chris: Maybe..

David: {nods}

The Razor's Edge: It’s festival weekend, what’s your food vendor of choice on site?

Tim: The Great British Fudge Bus!!

Jason: I usually try as many vendors as I can afford over the course of the festival. I don’t have any particular favourites. I just really like food!

Joe: I don't really know.

Chris: Me neither.

David: Nor me!

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