Live Review: Exodus - Islington Academy, London
12th August 2023
Words: Paul Elphick
Thanks to the wonderful London transport I missed both support bands tonight. Was really looking forward to seeing Hirax as am a massive fan of first record.
I arrive into the venue just as Exodus take the stage, the classic riff of Bonded by Blood fills the air. The venue is packed to the rafters and the crowd surfing starts straight away. Steve 'Zetro' Souza stalks the stage like a man possessed. Holt, Atlas and Gibson just a mass of head banging hair.
As the song stops Zetro talks to the crowd about looking after each other in the pit and be careful of the equipment on the stage. Then we are off again Gary Holt smiling like a loon, holding his guitar aloft, 'R.E.M.F.' followed by 'Blood In Blood Out'. There's a proper old school mosh pit going on.
It's great to see Exodus in a smaller venue and feeding of the manic crowd. Lee Altas and Gary Holt trading guitar solos and blasting out some more classic tunes; 'And Then There Were None' and 'Prahna'. I've seen Exodus on many times over the years tonight they are firing on all cylinders. Maybe it's playing a smaller venue with the crowd in their faces after the recent euro festival run. Whatever it is it's great to see a band that generally are enjoying themselves.
Next is the only Dukes era song in the set 'Dethamphetamine'. Jack Gibson and Tom Hunting locking together to create a real thrash groove. The crowd embracing it like an old friend. The crowd surfing getting more and more regular and the pit growing.
The only song of the latest album to be aired tonight is 'Prescribing Horror', and although I wouldn't consider a classic it goes down a treat. Songs are flying by at maximum speed. This is how thrash is meant to be.
'Impact is Imminent' is given a rare live outing and 'Strike of the Beast' with its cheeky 'Reign in Blood' intro brings things to the end. Smiles all round from the sweaty mess of a crowd. As Zetro leaves he shouts out he will see us all again soon. I for one will be looking forward to that. Let's hope it's to celebrate the upcoming anniversary of 'Bonded by Blood'. Now that would be the only way they could top tonight's performance
Header Image credits: Tim Finch Photography