DEVIL'S ISLAND featuring Paradise Sins
Welcome to this weeks edition of Devil's Island! Every week we maroon a band or artist on the island and see what they get up to, how they cope with being all alone on a small island in the middle of the ocean. It's not your average desert island and we'll see just how each person copes with the extreme conditions.
This week when we arrived at Devil's Island we find Paradise Sins sat on the beach. The island is far from their home, so how did they end up here and how did they cope with life on Devil's Island?
Find out now...
Welcome to The Razors'e Edge and our somewhat lovely, warm desert island. Don't worry about it's name I'm sure it's not as bad as that would suggest.
You're marooned here on this island, but before you ended up shipwrecked you chose one album that you couldn't live without. Which album did you each chose and why?
DAN: One album . . . fuck . . . Gotta be a live album. Iron Maiden ‘Rock in Rio’. I remember playing this album, dressed up as Eddie and chasing my brother around the house when we were kids. Good times.
CONOR: I would quickly and swiftly punch Dan in the face, knock him out cold and steal his Rock in Rio album… Survival of the fittest right? For myself I think I would have grabbed the Brave New World Iron Maiden Album. I would never get bored with that melodic masterpiece!
ZACK: Oh shit, off to a great start, think I’ve just forgotten every album I’ve ever listened to! I think it probably has to be Crack the Skye by Mastodon. It's a fantastic album with great ups and downs in it, there’s some brilliant drum parts and guitar solos and I love a band where most of the members sing in the songs. It’s also got a great story in it which features none other than Rasputin, what’s not to like?!
LUIS: Guns N’ Roses Appetite for Destruction - I’d want something I can exercise my voice to and It’ll get me hyped up for another day of failed spear-fishing and ceaseless harassment from mosquitoes. I’d quite happily steal Rock in Rio from Dan and Conor as well mind you. Sow a bit of discord.
LOUI: I’d go with Stadium Arcadium by RHCP. It’s a long album so it would keep me entertained for ages and the chilled vibes would be a nice change from the heavier stuff the other guys would be blasting all day.
Just behind that palm tree is a shack for each of you to stay in, with enough space for you to put up a poster on the wall of one album cover. What album cover do you each chose?
CONOR: Gotta be Balls Out by Steel Panther no reason though
ZACK: I’m going to have to go with another Mastodon album, that being Blood Mountain but specifically the poster version of the album cover. It’s got a three headed wolf/elk thing with tribal tattoos and blood coming out of its stomach. Also if Dan picks something with a naked woman on it, he owes me a tenner!
There's also a bar on this here island. But alas each of you only get to choose one drink for the entirety of your stay. What's your tipple of choice?
CONOR: Who drank all my Vodka?!
ZACK: Rum and coke definitely for me. Either dark or spiced rum, but I’m less fussy the more I have so I’m not picky. It’s the only drink that makes me feel like a pirate, shredding the seven seas!
LOUI: Spiced rum, ginger ale and a slice of orange. I’d be very happy drinking those on the beach all day.
Your suitcases were lost when your ship sank, but you each managed to salvage one item of band merch. What’s the merch and for what band?
DAN: Didn’t KISS bring out a casket as merch? Probably that.
LUIS: I’ve got those flashing devil horns from an AC/DC show - great for signaling ships in the dark. Can stick them on if I need to go for a piss at night too.
CONOR: It was not a smart idea to bring along my Tenacious D condoms… Now I'm stuck on an island with 5 guys. It wasn't supposed to be like this!
ZACK: I don’t know if I’m allowed to say this as it’s still under wraps, but I’d have to say the, as yet unreleased, Paradise Sins liferaft complete with cup holders and HI-FI system. Either that or the Slayer board shorts so I can enjoy the sea around the island.
LOUI: I’m not sure what Conor is complaining about, sounds great to me! I’d make sure I saved my Motorhead hip flask, so I could take some rum with me when exploring the island.
You’re sat on the island thinking “I’m stuck here on this island with my bandmates for eternity”… who would you rather have been shipwrecked with?
CONOR: A dog. A dog is all I need. I will sacrifice all my bandmates if it means I got a dog.
ZACK: Aside from my partner, obviously! I’d probably have to go with Animal from the muppets. I’m sure there’s a thing or two we could learn from each other. Would he come with the puppeteer or would I just get the puppet…?
LOUI: Honestly, I’d rather be on my own. I could really do with some peace and quiet! I’ll make my own Wilson when I feel the need for some conversation.

There's a walkman in your pocket, on the tape inside is the recording of the one live show that stands out for you. It could be any show, from any band, anywhere in the world. What show is on that walkman?
LUIS: There are so many good live albums, I’m super torn. Kiss, Queen or Thin Lizzy seem like obvious choices, but I think I’d go a bit out of left field for this band and say BB King Live at The Regal. That album gave me the tools to get to where I am today as a singer and a musician and I always come back to it for inspiration.
CONOR: Dan is still a bit disorientated, the poor fella still thinks he has his Rock in Rio Album Muwahahaha! I would have the legendary! Tenacious D the complete masterworks live! that would keep me entertained for so long id forget i was even stuck on this god forsaken island.
ZACK: Another tricky one! I think I’ll have to go with Slayer’s final UK show at Download 2019., they were fantastic and it was the second time me and my Dad saw them on that tour. Me and my Dad were both on the barricade on Gary Holt’s side of the stage, a great gig and a great memory to go with it!
LOUI: Metallica - S&M concert, the first one. Hands down one of my favorite live performances by any band. Gutted I was too young to see it in person. Metallica at their best for me.
You're getting desperate, you decide the only course of action is to put a message in a bottle and hope someone finds it. Your message could be to any member of any band, but should be the most suitable for a rescue attempt. Who is it?
BAND RESPONSE: Send an SOS to Sting. The Police will be on the case no doubt. Rescued in no time.
You've been stuck here a while and food supplies are running low. There's only one thing for it... which fellow band member gets sacrificed to help the others survive?
BAND RESPONSE: Ah, it’s always the bald bass player, isn’t it? Well, someone's gotta slap their way to survival! Sorry, Loui, but you’re getting sacrificed – you’ve been holding down the low end for so long, it’s time to hold down dinner. Baldness does reduce wind resistance, though, so you had a good run!
Finally, when the ship sank you each managed to save one person from the wreckage. That person is the one musician that has influenced your career the most, shaped your way of thinking and your outlook on life. Who did you save?
LUIS: I kinda adhere to the ‘never meet your heroes’ mantra in life…But as a born and bred Brummie, lifelong Aston Villa fan, and frontman of a band there can be only one logical answer for me - Ozzy Osbourne. Yeah he’s had some demons, but who hasn’t? He’s always been unapologetically himself and I find that more inspiring than anything. I got the chance to meet him briefly once and he’s just super down-to-earth. Plus, imagine the stories around the campfire!
DAN: Might be a little controversial being a guitarist but for me, Nicko McBrain. The guy is completely real and is just a good dude. Love ya Nick.
CONOR: Matt Heafy, what influences me the most is the fact he is the most cool, genuine and down to earth person, he always has a positive mindset and does an incredible job interacting with his fans and is just a great all round role model. And on top of that I know for a fact he could whip up a great meal for us while stuck on this island!
ZACK: For me it would be Justin Bonitz, the man behind Hungry Lights and the vocals of Tallah. He’s inspired the fuck out of me while keeping an attitude of “no-one else does it this way, but fuck it I like it”. He’s pretty busy so a break on a desert island would probably do him good!
LOUI: I’d have to agree with Luis and say Ozzy. The guy has had a hell of a life and his stories would keep me entertained for hours. He has never pretended to be anything other than himself and that’s something that I’ve always found inspiring both personally and as a musician.