DEVIL'S ISLAND featuring Sinsation
Welcome to this weeks edition of Devil's Island! Every week we maroon a band or artist on the island and see what they get up to, how they cope with being all alone on a small island in the middle of the ocean. It's not your average desert island and we'll see just how each person copes with the extreme conditions.
This week when we arrived at Devil's Island we find Sinsation sat on the beach. The island is far from their home, so how did they end up here and how did they cope with life on Devil's Island?
Find out now...
Welcome to The Razors'e Edge and our somewhat lovely, warm desert island. Don't worry about it's name I'm sure it's not as bad as that would suggest.
You're marooned here on this island, but before you ended up shipwrecked you chose one album that you couldn't live without. Which album did you each chose and why?
Sighren: Dark side of the moon. it’s a whole spiritual journey and I’m pretty sure it contains the key to survival inside.
Tyler: The album I would bring with me with be let the ocean take me by the amity affliction, because that whole album has gotten me through the hardest times I've been through in my entire life.
Sammy: Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds-Nocturama because it is a masterpiece of darkness and light that trandscends all norms.
Just behind that palm tree is a shack for each of you to stay in, with enough space for you to put up a poster on the wall of one album cover. What album cover do you each chose?
Sighren: Juturna because when it came out I was convinced the drawing of the girl falling was me. And if I can’t listen to it at least I’ll have the album art to reminisce.
Tyler: Let's see, the album art I would put up on my wall would be a day to remembers homesick album cover just because it's a badass piece of artwork.
Sammy: Iron Maiden-Number of the Beast. It’s Eddie at it’s finest.
There's also a bar on this here island. But alas each of you only get to choose one drink for the entirety of your stay. What's your tipple of choice?
Sighren: Strawberry pina colada because we’re on an island and it taste good with or without the rum.
Tyler: I don't drink alcohol like at all, but the drink I would be drinking would either be ghost energy drinks or diet coke.
Sammy: I’m all about the coffee and latte’s are my jam. It’s one of last and only vices.
Your suitcases were lost when your ship sank, but you each managed to salvage one item of band merch. What’s the merch and for what band?
Sighren: Bring me the Horizon because I’m a fan girl emo at heart and they make cute stuff.
Tyler: I'd save my Electric Callboy long sleeve shirt.
Sammy: Beatles- Abbey Road for the good vibes.
You’re sat on the island thinking “I’m stuck here on this island with my bandmates for eternity”… who would you rather have been shipwrecked with?
Sighren: My two cherubim frenchies, Kookie and Waffles.
Tyler: Being stuck on an island with my band would be the best case scenario, Sammy dives and is capable of helping everyone survive and the rest of us would help in all our own ways so I wouldn't care to be stuck with anyone else at that point.
Sammy: My actress crush Scarlette Johanson would be perfect!

There's a walkman in your pocket, on the tape inside is the recording of the one live show that stands out for you. It could be any show, from any band, anywhere in the world. What show is on that walkman?
Sighren: Portishead 1997 Roseland New York.
Tyler: If I had a walkman with any show it would be the live show from Electric Callboy when I seen them last year.
Sammy: Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison.
You're getting desperate, you decide the only course of action is to put a message in a bottle and hope someone finds it. Your message could be to any member of any band, but should be the most suitable for a rescue attempt. Who is it?
Sighren: Jim Morison. I feel like he would manifest as a spirit guide in my hallucinatory dehydrated state and lead me to salvation through poetic words of wisdom.
Tyler: If I had to worry about being rescued I feel like id literally be able to trust Sammy just because he knows the ocean pretty damn well.
Sammy: Ok perfect! A message to myself, if that is possible.Ha ha
You've been stuck here a while and food supplies are running low. There's only one thing for it... which fellow band member gets sacrificed to help the others survive?
Sighren: Band mates are Friends Not food!
Tyler: Ah shit sorry Bill your getting sacrificed your all muscle basically.
Sammy: That’s where we play the vampire card and say we are immortal and just drink rat blood or whatever random human washes ashore.
Finally, when the ship sank you each managed to save one person from the wreckage. That person is the one musician that has influenced your career the most, shaped your way of thinking and your outlook on life. Who did you save?
Sighren: Amy Lee! She’s what inspired me to learn how to play piano, write songs, and sing. And believe me I thought my voice sounded exactly like hers at the age of 6. Man was I delusional!
Tyler: If we're talking the person that's influenced me as a guitarist then that person would be synyster gates. Avenged sevenfold had a huge play in why I wanted to start playing to begin with.
Sammy: Steve Van, the most radical, sick wizard of a guitar player.