Devil's Island featuring Blood Oath
We're back on our tropical desert island, in the middle of the ocean, hundreds of miles from anywhere. This is Devil's Island! Every week we will be marooning a band on the island and seeing what they get up to. It's not your average desert island and we'll see just how each band copes with the extreme conditions.
This week we've shipwrecked Leicesters blackened death metal outfit Blood Oath on the island. How will they cope? Read on and find out...
Welcome to The Razors'e Edge and our somewhat lovely, warm desert island. Don't worry about it's name I'm sure it's not as bad as that would suggest.
So you're marooned here on this island, but before you ended up shipwrecked you each chose one album that you couldn't live without. Which album did you each chose and why?
Frazer: Without much thought at all that would be 'Seventh Son of a Seventh Son' by Iron Maiden. This was my breakthrough album that was the difference between metal being a passing phase and a life choice. When it came out it was just so exciting, epic sounding and heavy. Every song was a banger and I listened to nothing else for most of that year. Adrian Smith's guitar playing is just sublime and the evil that men do is just so damn good! This album really helped me learn guitar too. Some of the riffs are quite easy and all of a sudden I could play bits of Maiden instead of boring chords. Perfect.
Thrax: I’m gonna be the awkward one here, I’m struggling to think of just one album. If I was forced to choose though it would be 'Blackwater Park' by Opeth. I just don’t get bored of that album. A beautiful blend of light and heavy. A classic way to pass the time.
Ady: That’s a really hard question as I love different bands/albums for different moods but at the moment I can’t get enough of Facebreaker’s album dedicated to the flesh so that would have to go.. or maybe Def Leppard 'Hysteria'!!
Bill: No brainer on this one. Maiden 'Live After Death'. I was into ska a bit as a young teen, and am a bit still too, but wanted something a bit more. My mate across the road had a few LPs and 'Live After Death' blew me away. The quality of the sound, the clicking of the bass strings, everything. Still love it
There's also a bar on this here island. But alas each of you only get to chose one drink for the entirety of your stay. What's your tipple of choice?
Frazer: Snakebite! Not that yukky stuff with blackcurrant cordial in it mind you just a nice mix of lager and cider. It’s the booze equivalent of sweet and sour and its not as nasty as people think... Plus apples are one of your five a day right?
Thrax: You filthy animal Rez... haha!
The Metalhead in me is screaming out to say Jack Daniels and Cola. However I’m gonna say lager. Just ice cold lager. Something decent like Peroni or Moretti, haha. Or seeing as its a desert island. I wouldn't say no to a big flamboyant cocktail, with loads of fruit, an umbrella and those little plastic monkeys hanging off the rim of the glass.
Ady: Coffee [We think his wife is listening!]
Bill: Godfather. (Amaretto, JD and coke.) I always forget I like it but then....bang. ooops
Just behind that palm tree is a shack for each of you to stay in, with enough space for you to put up a poster on the wall of one album cover. What album cover do you each chose?
Frazer: Now that’s tough. Do I be a Maiden fanboy and choose 'Somewhere in Time' which is so detailed and has loads of hidden messages in it or do I choose something else? I do like the old school thrash stuff so I'd probably go for the weird and freaky Sepultura 'Arise' artwork.
Thrax: Yeah tough one... It’ll probably be Sepultura as well, maybe 'Chaos AD' as I do have a lot of love for that album. Or maybe a Cradle of Filth album cover. I’m not a massive fan but I’m thinking there’ll be some semi naked vampire women on the cover and you know.... we all get lonely sometimes. Haha
Ady: Obituary classic album End Complete... always loved that cover
Bill: I'm with Frazer on this one, 'Somewhere in Time', though if he's got that I'd settle for 'Powerslave'. I had loads, 'The Trooper', '2 Mins', 'Aces High', 'NOTB', which I bought from the Left Legged Pineapple in Loughborough
Your suitcases were lost when your ship sank, but you each managed to salvage one item of band merch. Whats the merch and for what band?
Frazer: I’ll take my Dismember – Like An Ever Flowing Stream t-shirt because the artwork is ace and they have one of my favorite band logo’s too.
Thrax: I’ll take my Amon Amarth underpants.... yeah, you read that right. 😉
Ady: This might sound like an Obituary love in but when I last saw them they had baseball caps so I would grab one of them to keep the sun off me barnet.
Bill: A white 'Crash Course in Brain Surgery' Metallica tee I've had for 29yrs. My wife wears it now as, er, I think it shrunk...
There's a walkman in your pocket, on the tape inside is the recording of the one live show that stands out for you. It could be any show, from any band, anywhere in the world. What show is on that walkman?
Frazer: Opeth live at the Royal Albert Hall. Possibly the best gig I’ve been to. The whole of 'Blackwater Park' played followed by a set of one song from each album. The sound was perfect, the location was perfect, the beer was perfect.
Thrax: I’ll steal Frazer’s choice. Haha. Not sure on this one. Something easier on the ear like Metallica from the S+M era. Actually I’d choose some cheesy glam rock like Steel Panther just to annoy everyone else on the island.
Ady: Iron Maiden live at Donington Monsters of Rock 1992, I sat at home listening on the radio and recorded it myself to listen to over and over again... incredible.
Bill: Have a guess. Although I taped Iron Maiden at Monsters of Rock 1988 from the Friday Rock Show with Tommy Vance. I'll say that one....
Finally, when the ship sank you each managed to save one person from the wreckage. That person is the one musician that has influenced your career the most, shaped your way of thinking and your outlook on life. Who did you save?
Frazer: Adrian Smith from Iron Maiden. His song writing is awesome and he plays my favorite guitar solo, Stranger in a strange land. Not a flash solo but melodically perfect.
Thrax: Max Cavalera. He was a massive part of my life and upbringing. From Sepultura to Soulfly, from the awesome Nailbomb to Killer be Killed. He is a legend. His musical career is awe inspiring. I’d love to meet the man and have a good long chat with him.
Ady: Iggor Cavalera for me... now, not because he is the most technically gifted drummer but I remember the first time I watched 'Under Siege in Barcelona', he was monstrous, different, unique. He changed metal drumming in my opinion and inspired me to get stuck in... p.s. I would make sure he had a copy of 'Under Siege' with him.
Bill: I would've said Steve Harris, until his bouncer told me to fuck off when he was walking into the tent stage at Sonisphere. So either Brucie cos he's just done EVERYTHING, or Adrian Smith for just being so laid back and damn cool. p.s. I do like other bands too... But you asked the questions
Thanks for your time. We look forward to the release of 'Infernum Rex Diabolus' on 2nd November. We hope you get back to dry land by then!
Cheers guys and thanks for the support!
The last we saw the lads they were on the beach at Devil's Island trying to build a makeshift raft to get themselves home. We hope they make it back to dry land soon.