Interview Demonic Resurrection
Touring the UK right now are Indian's greatest heavy metal export, Demonic Resurrection. So whilst passing through town, we got the opportunity to sit down with them and discuss the Indian metal scene, touring life and a whole lot in between.
The Razor's Edge: First off, Welcome to The Razor's Edge!
For our readers out there who need to get up to speed; who/what are Demonic Resurrection?
The Demonic Resurrection: We, Demonic Resurrection are a symphonic death metal band based out of Mumbai in India. We have been around for 19 years and released 5 albums and one EP.
The Razor's Edge: You've come to the UK all the way from India. Whats the metal scene like over there?
The Demonic Resurrection: The scene in India has existed since the 80s but it’s been extreme small and it’s only towards the late 90s that local bands started focusing on writing original music. Before that it was mostly covers. We had no major metal bands tour India till 2007 when Iron Maiden turned up after which the flood gates opened and we have metal bands from all over the world touring India. However we have a very young audience. People here tend to grow out of metal in their early 20s and it’s still mostly in the major cities. But it will grow and it has promise. Lots of good bands.
The Razor's Edge: You're half way through your UK tour. How do you think you've been received by the UK metal community?
The Demonic Resurrection: We always get the warmest welcome in the UK which is why we keep coming back. This is our third proper UK tour. We did one in 2014 and then in 2018. We also played Bloodstock twice, Sonisphere once and Les-Fest which is now Wildfire festival.
The Razor's Edge: Are UK shows any different to those back home?
The Demonic Resurrection: Yes in some ways. The audience here is much older. They buy a lot more merch as well. But they all love metal just as much.
The Razor's Edge: And how does touring the UK compare to touring all over India, or anywhere else for that matter?
The Demonic Resurrection: In India it’s a bit more sporadic and dare I say comfortable. You fly between cities and most of the equipment is all sorted out by local show promoters. In the UK there is a lot more work involved and driving around and loading and unloading the entire stage gear etc. It’s definitely a contrast in some ways but we love it.
The Razor's Edge: You've got five shows left on your UK tour. What would you say to the fans in those towns to get them to come to your gig?
The Demonic Resurrection: It’s not everyday a metal band from India travels to the UK to play in your city. Might as well come down and check it out, we promise to entertain you
The Razor's Edge: What are your plans once the tour ends? Where next for Demonic Resurrection?
The Demonic Resurrection: At this point it’s all up in the air for many reasons but will figure it out once the tour is done with.
The Razor's Edge: Musically who do you look up to and admire? Who is Demonic Resurrection's inspiration?
The Demonic Resurrection: I would need to name a couple of 100 bands because all the music I listen to inspires me and influences me in some way. Like most metal heads I started out with bands like Iron Maiden and Metallica that made me want to explore music further. I would say bands like Behemoth, Dimmu Borgir, Blind Guardian, Soilwork, Emperor, Strapping Young Lad, Kamelot, Nightwish, Death and Old Man’s Child would be some of our biggest influences.
The Razor's Edge: When you come back to the UK; who would be your ideal touring partner(s)?
The Demonic Resurrection: We would love to bands like Behemoth, Dimmu Borgir, Septicflesh on tour anywhere in the world. We would also love to tour again with our mates in De Profundis, Onslaught and Wretched Soul.
The Razor's Edge: To finish up, a quick fire round of questions;
You're favourite album of all time
The Demonic Resurrection: Strapping Young Lad - City
The Razor's Edge: Favourite album cover?
The Demonic Resurrection: Old Man’s Child - Ill-Natured Spiritual Invasion
The Razor's Edge: The best band logo?
The Demonic Resurrection: Death
The Razor's Edge: All time favourite band / musician?
The Demonic Resurrection: Ihshan
The Razor's Edge: Best show you've ever been to?
The Demonic Resurrection: Slayer
The Razor's Edge: Thanks for taking the time to talk to us. We hope the rest of the tour goes well for you.
Demonic Resurrection have five dates left on their UK tour, we highly recommend you check them out if you have the chance.
02.09.19 - Bannermans Bar, Edinburgh
03.09.19 - Trillians Newcastle, Newcastle
04.09.19 - Underground, Plymouth
05.09.19 - The Bunkhouse, Swansea
06.09.19 - Frog and Fiddle, Cheltenham
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