Album Review: Henry’s Funeral Shoe – Smartphone Rabbit Hole
There’s always something about a band that are a pure duo that makes them stand out. Usually a duo’s music has an edge, a sound that gives them a different perspective on their art. More than likely this is down to the songwriting having a different feel with one or more instruments from the more “traditional” bands missing. There has been a spate of such bands in recent times and it gives the musical landscape a fresh, different perspective and one that I very much welcome.
Henry’s Funeral Shoe fit wonderfully into this mold. Brennig’s drums meld perfectly with the guitar and vocals of Aled to produce a fantastically fresh musical experience.
The duo, two brothers from South Wales, put their ensemble together back in 2008. Heavily inspired by their fathers record collection which included the likes of The Who, The Beatles, Thin Lizzy, Credence Clearwater Revival and The Clash. Their new album, ‘Smartphone Rabbit Hole’ is due for release this week and takes elements from all of their influences and gives them their own unique twist in their songwriting and performance.
From the off, opening track ‘Everybody Says Hi’ shows what the band are about. The dirty dark sound of Aled’s guitar demonstrates that having no bassist on the album will not be an issue. Aled’s unique style covering that element perfectly.
It’s an out and out blues fueled rock album, yes it has elements of what some would term “indie” in there, but the seventies rock influence from the likes of The Who oozes through. ‘Firing Line’ demonstrates the brothers willingness to experiment. The introduction off a brass backing section gives the bands unique sound some depth and Aled’s experimental guitar sounds add additional factors into the distinct music battering my ear drums.
‘Same Boat, Different Sale’ (which you can listen to below) is a chest beating, fist pumping whaler of a rock anthem. The blues influences peppered with a hint of soul add versatility to the presentation of a new rock classic. Similarly title track ‘Smartphone Rabbit Hole’ is another rock anthem, the fastest paced song on the album it’s a rip roaring beast of a track leaving you breathless just listening.
Throughout the recording, the brothers experiment, they push the envelope on what a duo with two instruments can do; both in terms of song writing, performance and delivery. The lads have an energy and this comes through in the extraordinary expression of their work. The album ‘Smartphone Rabbit Hole’ has all the makings of a modern day rock classic that will stand the test of time for years to come.
Henry’s Funeral Shoe’ album ‘Smartphone rabbit Hole’ is released on September 20th.
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