Album Review: Green Lung - Free The Witch
Reviewed by Deegan Armitage
Lets face it, if it wasn't for Black Sabbath there would be no heavy metal today, even though they didn’t really know it when they released their debut masterpiece, 'Black Sabbath', it changed the industry massively and if it wasn’t for them we wouldn't have any heavy metal today. Bands like Sleep, Bongzilla, eyehategod, Down and the band we are talking about today, Green Lung are all results of Ozzy, Tony, Geezer and Bills works in the 70s.
'Free The Witch' is the new killer album by Green Lung, although only 5 tracks long, it defiantly brings a lot to the table, with Sabbath influenced riffs and melodies along with singers Tom Templar’s almost hypnotising vocals. This being their first album it certainly has a lot to offer in terms of energy, you can truly tell they enjoyed making this record.
Right from the first song ‘Lady Lucifer’, you are welcomed with very energetic and happy riff which made me want to hear more, Once Tom Templars vocals kicked in I found myself bobbing my head along to the music and this energy doesn't stop after the second song; ‘Free The Witch’ brings a more chunkier song with a riff I have not been able to get out of my head since listening to it.
The third song ‘Living Fossil’ is a possibly of my favourite songs of the year, very much Sabbath influenced but with their own twist on the sound. The fourth song ‘Older Than The Hills’ is the longest song on the record and to be honest I'm glad it is, the song was very progressive with cleaner and mellow parts and more heavier faster parts which is something that i really enjoyed about it. The final song on the album, ‘When The Axe Comes Down’ packs a massive punch and is such a good way to end the album.
I highly recommend this album for fans of Black Sabbath and Sleep, you won’t be disappointed.
Green Lung release 'Free The Witch' on November 29th