Devil's Island featuring Beyond Your Design.
After the Christmas break we're back on our tropical desert island, in the middle of the ocean, hundreds of miles from anywhere. This is Devil's Island! Every week we maroon a band on the island and see what they get up to. It's not your average desert island and we'll see just how each band copes with the extreme conditions.
This week when we arrived at Devil's Island we found the lads from Beyond Your Design. The East Midlands melodic death metal outfit had not seen for a while, we thought they was lost, search parties had found no trace! But now we've found them shipwrecked on our island!
How did they cope with life on Devil's Island? Find out now...
Welcome to The Razors'e Edge and our somewhat lovely, warm desert island. Don't worry about it's name I'm sure it's not as bad as that would suggest.
So you're marooned here on this island, but before you ended up shipwrecked you each chose one album that you couldn't live without. Which album did you each chose and why?
Ed: That’s a tough one. For the rest of eternity?
Rob: Whilst being marooned on the island.
Ed: Oh okay...Chinese Democracy.
Harry: St Anger
Rob: The Rocky Soundtrack
Harry: One for the rest of eternity. It would have to be ‘The Poison’ by Bullet.
Ed: Good album. I think mine would be Avenge - 'City Of Evil'. Another perfect album.
Rob: I’m just gonna say it, Trivium's 'Ascendancy’.
Ed: Called it!
Harry: Nothing wrong with that.
Rob: Yeah, I would love to say it’s cos I can’t think of anything better but…I can’t.
Harry: There’s some old school metal right there.
Ed: Well, you can tell when we grew up.
Rob: Yeah, we’re really showing our age.
Just behind that palm tree is a shack for each of you to stay in, with enough space for you to put up a poster on the wall of one album cover. What album cover do you each chose?
Harry: Ummm… 'Silver Scream' by Ice Nine Kills. Cos I already have it.
Ed: Ahhh, purely for nostalgia’s sake I’d probably say 'Enema Of The State' by Blink 182.
Rob: Is that the one with the…the…
Ed: Yeah yeah the naughty naughty.
Rob: Ahh yeah haha. Mine’s old school, but I’m gonna go with Iron Maiden 'Number Of The Beast'. Because I remember getting that as a vinyl for Christmas from my dad when I was like 21. And I just remember seeing like all the little intricacy’s and like little bits of the artwork that I hadn’t seen on the CD version that I own. And cliché answer but I just remember looking at the album like fuck this is cool.
There's also a bar on this here island. But alas each of you only get to chose one drink for the entirety of your stay. What's your tipple of choice?
Rob: This is a good one…There’s also a bar on this here island…well not for much longer…
Harry: Can I be the sensible one and say water? Just clean water.
Ed: What’s the one with salt?
Rob: Tequila?
Ed: Yeah a margherita.
Rob: Oh you’re thinking cocktails.
Harry: You are stranded on a desert island and you want salty drinks?!
Ed: With lime.
Rob: Until you said cocktails I was gonna go with Guinness. But yeno what fuck it, it’s the perfect place, I’m gonna have a pina colada.
Harry: I’m sticking with my sensible option. Clean water, I’m in this for the long run.
Rob: Or rum? Something rummy.
Ed: You’d probably meet Captain Morgan on the island anyway so...
Rob: After enough rum you might.
Your suitcases were lost when your ship sank, but you each managed to salvage one item of band merch. Whats the merch and for what band?
Harry: I think we all have the same answer here…
Rob: Do we?
Harry: Our own merch.
Harry: Because it is such high quality, it’s comfy and it looks great.
Rob: I mean you can’t tell but I’m wearing one [BYD T Shirt] right now. It’s the softest smoothest clothing. Silky smooth like a snake.
Harry: You can pick them up from our Big Cartel store.
Ed: Yeah just on our page ahem…
Ed: Ummm I would say our Beyond Your Design ‘From Apathy To Waste’ flag because you can sleep in it aswell. And it’s super silky. And it looks great!
Rob: I’d probably go with the Beyond Your Design onesie. Because erm its not yet released…
Harry: This is new to me!
Rob: It has its own detachable butt flap, which for convenience is really good.
Harry: Well this is happening now.
Rob: Availability may be limited but keep an eye on our socials.
You’re sat on the island thinking “I’m stuck here on this island with my bandmates for eternity”… who would you rather have been shipwrecked with?
Ed: Is it bad if I say ‘some’ women?
Rob: Just a woman! Can we not adapt?
Harry: Just ‘some’ women. No one in particular…
Ed: Disclaimer, probably likely to be my girlfriend.
Harry: I’m not changing my answer now, that was right! Just some women.
Rob: I’m gonna probably say errr Devin Townsend.
Harry: Eurughhhhh.
Rob: After his last album Empath like that’s basically on a desert island. I can just imagine wed take a fuck tonne of shrooms, and we’d probably end up riding a dolphin.
Ed: Riding each other whilst riding a dolphin.
Rob: Yeah it’s a spiritual thing!
Ed: Yeah spirit animal.
There's a walkman in your pocket, on the tape inside is the recording of the one live show that stands out for you. It could be any show, from any band, anywhere in the world. What show is on that walkman?
Ed: I’ve got one that I wasn’t able to go to cos it was in 1990.
Rob: Yeah, bit before your time.
Ed: I think it was New Years Eve 1990-1991. It was Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik era, Nevermind era, I forget the Pearl Jam album at the time, I do apologise about that, but my god what a show. All those people in one place at one time.
Harry: I’m gonna turn into Ed for a second and say the Travis, Tom and Mark show…
Ed: Oh yeah the Enema Strikes Back!
Harry: Yeah, The Enema Strikes Back.
Ed: You fucking ass hole Mark! We fucking hate you!
Rob: You’ve made it difficult for me because like, I was sorta thinking of going with something old school like Queen live at Wembley cos I remember my dad buying the DVD and we used to watch it at home. Or go for something abit more for us, like Bullet live at Brixton. Although for pure atmospheric reasons, Red Hot Chili Peppers live at Slane Castle.
Harry: Interesting.
Rob: It’s like the John Frusciante era. It’s the By The Way era. It’s a fucking great show. I still watch it today and I just think on a desert island, you’re relaxing, and you’ve got… not Califonication, what’s the other one… Well that aswell but…umm, Scar Tissue, yeno on a desert island, sipping a pina colada, with Red Hot Chili Peppers in my Beyond Your Design onesie.
Harry: With Devin Townsend…
Rob: With Devin Townsend yeah, this is all working well in my head.
You're getting desperate, you decide the only course of action is to put a message in a bottle and hope someone finds it. Your message could be to any member of any band, but should be the one musician most suitable for a rescue attempt. Who is it?
Harry: Sam Carter from Architects.
Rob: Really?
Harry: Yeah cos he’s all about that.
Rob: What, saving people from desert islands?
Harry: No just…life…he’s very…life!
Rob: Would it be controversial to say Gary Glitter?
Ed: Whoa.
Harry: *Cough cough*
Rob: He’s got his own submarine…
Ed: Yeah he can sniff you out yeah, through like miles of water. I’d probably say inside the bottle it would say ‘send nudes’ and I’d send it to Devastator’s Tom Collings.
[Hysterical laughter]
Ed: Cos I know he’d come and save me.
Rob: Okay erm, for me it’s the most ‘suitable’ part of it. Any band… that’s hard, I’m gonna actually be suitable and I’m gonna say Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden cos that mother fucker can fly a plane.
Harry: Ohhh yeah.
Rob: I mean, he might come to save me and then crash. But then I’m stuck with Devin Townsend and Bruce Dickinson and then they can teach me how to sing.
You've been stuck here a while and food supplies are running low. There's only one thing for it... which fellow band member gets sacrificed to help the others survive?
Harry: Ed has the most meat on him.
Ed: I would be the most tender. Can I eat myself?
Rob: Originally my first thought was Harry, but yeah he’s got nothing on him. And no offence to you Ed, but me and Harry have had many meals on the road when it’s been McDonalds and stuff, and he just doesn’t talk to me, and that’s what I love about him.
Rob: There’s no conversation, it’s just two men, in a restaurant eating food, and occasionally a comment. But that’s what I want in a friend, is someone who doesn’t talk to me.
Ed: I’d offer my legs up as penance first. And then I think I would slowly eat myself.
Rob: Can we see who tastes better?
Ed: In what sort of way?
Rob: Wait a minute who’s the best cook?
Harry: That’s definitely me. I’m a good cook.
Rob: I’m pretty good.
Ed: Cook off.
Harry: Yeah but you’re…
Rob: Vegetarian?
Harry: Yeah. Exactly!
Rob: Oh shit I may have just…
Harry: You’ve fucked yourself…
Ed: Oh my god I’m saved!
Rob: I’d probably taste the best though.
Harry: You don’t eat meat you’re gonna taste bad.
Rob: No I’m gonna taste good, I’ve got plants and nutrients. What do cows eat?
Harry: Grass?
Rob: Exactly!
Finally, when the ship sank you each managed to save one person from the wreckage. That person is the one musician that has influenced your career the most, shaped your way of thinking and your outlook on life. Who did you save?
Rob: I guess any musician. It doesn’t specify when the ship sank…
Harry: If I could it would be Tom Searle of Architects.
Rob: That would be pretty cool, R.I.P.
Ed: I think, most influential, yeah it would have to go to…
Ed: Travis Barker. Yeah cos right it was a toss-up between Keith Moon and Travis Barker. But I think for technical sake yeah it would be Travis Barker, but I would love to smash my kit up with Keith Moon.
Rob: I’m gonna have to go cliché and say Freddie Mercury.
Rob: [Laughs] I dunno, I just think there are so many bands and musicians I could point to and be like yeah they inspired me, they helped me. But I still remember that from Primary School with my dad introducing me to Queen, and even though it was like Bryan May, he’s the guitar player and it was like yeah you should like him. Well yeah amazing guitar player, and I believed he was the best in the world until at whatever age I found other bands… But it was more Freddie Mercury for me, that was cool to me, so yeah, Freddie Mercury.
Harry: Great, two of us choose a dead person to save…
Ed: Wait Travis ain’t dead…Oh no Freddie Mercury’s dead!
Harry: Shit!
Rob: This is already sounding like one hell of a party. We’re all dining on me, prepared by Harry, we’re being joined by Freddie Mercury, Tom Searle, Travis Barker, Bruce Dickinson, Devin Townsend, Tom from Devastator…
Harry: Sam Carter from Architects…
Rob: All of us previously having Pina Coladas, some rum, a Guinness, margheritas…
Harry: Some water!
Rob: Yep some water too.
Harry: And you know what… you’re all invited!
Rob: You’re all invited!
Ed: This is a good line-up man, I’d go.
We left the lads on the island contemplating what they would do to Devin Townsend. If I were Devin I wouldn't be stepping anywhere near the island if they are still on it!