Album Review: Madrost - Charring the Rotting Earth
Reviewed by Neil Bolton
2020 sees Madrost release their first album under the No Life Til Metal Records label, but this is by no means their first release. 2007 saw the incarnation of Madrost, and they were for all intents and purposes a meat and potatoes thrash/death metal band. In 2012 they released the 'Maleficent' album in this vein. This style then began to expand with 2014’s album 'Into The Aquatic Sector'. Next to come after many shows and a collection of new fans was the 'The Essence of Time Matches No Flesh' album, incorporating a slight progressive element into their music which was well delivered and well received. On this 2020, 'Charring the Rotting Earth', release a symphonic sound has also been added into the mix, with keyboardist Sam Meador promising an even more progressive taste on the palate.
The first track 'The Serpents Quest' begins with a strange instrument sound, until the serpent begins to uncoil with frantic drumming from Mark Rivas. You then become lured in when the riffing begins, fast precise and to the point. Eventually vocals rip up and we are talking pure thrash/death for this one. The thrashing is well performed, you can tell these guys make use of the practice room. The second song 'To Prevail the Wicked' is slower and riffy, and then it’s not, a more punk feel to the vocals is now present in this one.
The slightly punk vocals and diamond sharp music continues throughout this collection of songs then we reach track seven; the title track 'Charring The Rotting Earth'. It begins in a similar style to the rest of the album, speedy and brutal, a nice dual sounding guitar solo then leads into an atmospheric section including choral voices and almost power metal sound. Clever riffs then lead out from the midsection until the vocals and slamming drums begin once more.
The promise of progressive and symphonic is not really fulfilled though in my opinion. It is there but you have to look very hard for it, in time it will expand and evolve I am sure.
'Charring the Rotting Earth' is released on September 25th