Two More Bands Added to Damnation Festival 2021 Line Up.
US stoner rock standouts ELDER and emerging thrashers HIGH COMMAND have been added to this year's Damnation.
They join the likes of Pig Destroyer, Wolves in the Throne Room, Blood Incantation, Pallbearer and Onslaught at Leeds University Union on Saturday, November 6.

"No one knows how this year is going to pan out but there's no point moping around or just throwing in the towel. All we can do is put together the best line-up we possibly can and the additions of Elder and High Command certainly add some shine to what was already an incredible bill."We have more death and black metal to announce shortly, followed by more death, another pinch of doom, thrash and some left-field goodness to keep things fresh and interesting.
"As we've said previously, more than half of tickets are already gone and for those who are hopelessly pessimistic and believe 2021 is going to be another write off, there's no issues with refunds should you want to buy a ticket with some security - our ticket suppliers, Eventbrite, have ALL the money.
"For us though, hope dies last and we'll see you all at a sold-out Damnation in November, following a bumper metal party on the Friday."