Album Review: Mastodon - Hushed And Grim
Reviewed by Danny Jewkes
Four and a half years after the release of the emotionally evocative album ‘Emperor of Sand’, Mastodon have been patiently cooking up it’s massive 80+ minute epic double album successor and masterpiece, ‘Hushed and Grim’, which will be gifted to the masses and I’m sure, graciously received on the 29th of October 2021 via Reprise Records.
I feel like this record kind of picks up where ‘Crack The Skye’ left off, in terms of its scope and bravery, but the Atlanta based metal maestros made the content a bit more direct, relatable, lyrically less mysterious and metaphoric and they’ve mixed their past outings into it as they’ve gone along with their ascension.
This powerhouse has never shied away from turning grief into greatness, be it integrating the untimely death of drummer Brann Dailor’s sister, Skye Dailor, into the fabric of ‘Crack The Skye’, the death of Brent Hinds’ brother into the wilderness of ‘The Hunter’ or using the story of ‘Emperor of Sand’ as a metaphor for working with the hand that you’re dealt and the time that you’re given after a Cancer diagnosis. Mastodon now lovingly honour their longtime manager and friend Nick John, who sadly lost his battle with Pancreatic Cancer, and massage you through the heartache, the pain, the suffering, the cloud of loss that shrouds us and the guilt those of us left behind are forced to find a place for and move through after a loved ones passing. What hits hard most of all about ‘Hushed and Grim’ is that we all know those feelings too well and the cycle never ends.

Musically, melodically and gruesomely, ‘Hushed and Grim’ ticks all the boxes for a Mastodon fan and with it being such a proggy, experimental and lengthy offering, you really have to sit with it and pick its bones apart while its waves crash over you.
Mastodon have always been incredibly gifted, original, thought provoking and as powerful as their name suggests and they continue to prove time and time again that their talents can always take left turns into unknown territory, while always putting the mighty Mastodon cherry on the top.
Im proud to say this is my favourite band and I personally thank them for once again putting their hearts into this record that is a massive undertaking and exorcism for them and will take residence in the souls of all who listen to it and all that Mastodon go on to do in the future.