For the multi-taskers amongst you, if you are trying to do something else whilst listening to ‘Permanent.Radiant’ please stop. This is an album that needs your full attention, put those noise cancelling headphones on, sit back, close your eyes and let Messrs Lopez and Moreno sweep you away into an ethereal landscape. ‘Vivien’ steps up the ambience, almost suffocating in its presence, as a listener it truly holds tight and doesn’t let go.
At no point does this album pick up the pace, throughout its mere twenty three minute run there is a laid back feel to it, sitting there softly serenading the listener but at all times commanding your attention. ‘Holier’ adds a little edge, spine tingling at times, it adds depth to the sound already on display, at multiple points it creeps to what you think will be an explosion of power, only to drift back off into the ambient landscape once more.
‘Permanent.Radiant’ is an album that not only commands your attention, but also asks you to keep an open mind. Approach this album from the perspective of one of †††’s alternate bands and you will miss the point entirely. Instead sit back and let them whisk you away to a landscape from which you will find it hard to escape.