DEVIL'S ISLAND featuring King of the Dead
Welcome to this weeks edition of Devil's Island! Every week we maroon a band or artist on the island and see what they get up to, how they cope with being all alone on a small island in the middle of the ocean. It's not your average desert island and we'll see just how each person copes with the extreme conditions.
This week when we arrived at Devil's Island we find King of Dead sat on the beach. The island is far from their home, so how did they end up here and how did they cope with life on Devil's Island?
Find out now...
Welcome to The Razors'e Edge and our somewhat lovely, warm desert island. Don't worry about it's name I'm sure it's not as bad as that would suggest.
You're marooned here on this island, but before you ended up shipwrecked you chose one album that you couldn't live without. Which album did you each chose and why?
We cursed ones are a hive mind. Each aspect of our former lives and personalities are gone and replaced with the ungodly spectre of an evil older than time itself. If we do not work in unison then we are doomed. That said, Quickness by Bad Brains would be a good one as there’s something for all of us on that album.
Just behind that palm tree is a shack for each of you to stay in, with enough space for you to put up a poster on the wall of one album cover. What album cover do you each chose?
We cursed ones would choose an album by the master of the occult, Dancing On The Ceiling by Lionel Richie. The cursed ones saw an interview where he spoke about his songwriting process. He said that writing was about opening yourself up to inspiration from the beyond. We assumed he was talking about Beelzebub and took that on board.
The cursed ones are also a fan of Lionel’s menacing yet inviting expression on the cover.
There's also a bar on this here island. But alas each of you only get to choose one drink for the entirety of your stay. What's your tipple of choice?
Having only one drink available at the bar would not be a problem, we would already have all the sea water we can drink. Maybe just some turpentine to go with our sea water for a spicy cocktail.
Your suitcases were lost when your ship sank, but you each managed to salvage one item of band merch. What’s the merch and for what band?
We’d take a Misfits skull tee just incase we have to prove our punk rock credentials. The cursed ones will take it in turns to wear the tee over our robes.
You’re sat on the island thinking “I’m stuck here on this island with my bandmates for eternity”… who would you rather have been shipwrecked with?
We’re all collectively objectionable enough to do the decent thing and not make anybody suffer being stuck with us on the island. If we had to make someone come with us it would be a person with an encyclopaedic level of knowledge on a wide range of subjects so they could provide instant answers to all questions, like google.

There's a walkman in your pocket, on the tape inside is the recording of the one live show that stands out for you. It could be any show, from any band, anywhere in the world. What show is on that walkman?
One of the best shows the cursed ones ever saw was The Mars Volta at Somerset House in 2009.
You're getting desperate, you decide the only course of action is to put a message in a bottle and hope someone finds it. Your message could be to any member of any band, but should be the most suitable for a rescue attempt. Who is it?
Bruce Dickinson would help the cursed ones. Not only could he fly to come and get us, he could also joust off any interlopers during the rescue attempt with his fencing skills.
You've been stuck here for a while and food supplies are running low. There's only one thing for it... which fellow band member gets sacrificed to help the others survive?
The cursed ones are not consumers of flesh, so we would hold hands in the sunset and shuffle off this mortal coil together.
Finally, when the ship sank you each managed to save one person from the wreckage. That person is the one musician that has influenced your career the most, shaped your way of thinking and your outlook on life. Who did you save?
We would save King Diamond, the cursed ones appreciate his excellent make up and glass shattering falsetto. The dark concept records like Abigail and Them have been a big influence on King of the Dead. He’s a true musical auteur.