Bloodstock Bound: LaVein
As Bloodstock gets closer, we delve deep into the line up to find out more about some of the bands playing the New Blood and Jägermeister stages at this years event.
Today we chat with LaVein!
The Razor's Edge: Please introduce yourself and your band mates.
LaVein: LaVein are: Conor Molloy on guitar/backing vox, his brother Rossa on bass/backing vox, Jamie Coombs on guitar, Lachlan Hill on drums and myself Peter Cooney on vocals.
The Razor's Edge: How would you describe your style of metal?
LaVein: We’re big fans of Dillinger, Converge, Knocked Loose etc and I think that comes through in our tunes. We love hardcore and try to retain elements of that in our writing and performances.
The Razor's Edge: How did you land your spot on the Bloodstock bill?
LaVein: We won MT2M Ireland, an experience we won’t be forgetting for a long time. From the first show to the last we just had such a great time and here we are representing Ireland.
The Razor's Edge: How tough was the competition this year?
LaVein: The standard in Ireland is incredible. We never expected to get beyond the first heat, let alone win the competition. There’s so many great bands that deserve to get the New Blood slot; Uragh, Ritual Effect, Unmaker…So to hear LaVein called out by Simon Hall was insane. Had he said any other band we wouldn’t have been surprised at all, every band who played that night is fully deserving of a slot.
The Razor's Edge: What does playing at Bloodstock mean to you?
LaVein: It’s huge! Seeing our name on the same bill as Sepultura, Megadeth, Knocked Loose…Crazy stuff. It’s a massive opportunity for us to reach a new audience, make connections and get our name out there.
The Razor's Edge: For people who’ve never seen you live, what can they expect at Bloodstock?
LaVein: We try to be as intense as possible and bring as much energy as we possibly can to our performances.

The Razor's Edge: What day are you performing?
LaVein: Sunday August 13th.
The Razor's Edge: What other bands are you looking forward to watching at Bloodstock this year?
LaVein: Decapitated, Meshuggah, Knocked Loose, Killswitch, Biohazard…the lineup is just unreal.
The Razor's Edge: Playing the New Blood Stage is just the first stepping stone in a bands journey. What’s next in your plans for world domination?
LaVein: Following the release of our debut E.P. 'Fine Failure' in May, we’re planning on getting back into the studio towards the end of the year and then coming back across to the U.K. in early 2024.
The Razor's Edge: Are you camping with the fans? Which campsite are you heading for?
LaVein: Yeah we’re all camping so come say hi. Jamie (guitar) is the BOA expert of the group so he’ll just tell us where to go.
The Razor's Edge: You’ve gotta keep hydrated at Bloodstock, what is your drink of choice for the weekend?
LaVein: We’re simple folk, so cans. Most likely cans of Harp.
The Razor's Edge: See you at Bloodstock in a few weeks!
LaVein: See ye then!