Live Review: Darkness Over Cumbria 2023
Words & Photos: Neil Bolton
Darkness Over Cumbria is a two day, mainly black metal, open air festival.
It is day one and tents are up, beers are being dived into and the anticipation is now growing. This is my first go at this festival and already I feel at home and we have not even seen the live arena yet. The camping spot is beautiful and at the moment the weather is fine, the forecast looks suitably black though.
We make the very short walk to where the stage is, via the bar, and await Decrepit Monolith. The boys arrive, and we are treated to some Northern English black metal. The corpse painted, leather clad collection, produce a faithful traditional black metal sound. This is the perfect way to begin a festival such as this. The crowd is here, we are dressed in black and horns are raised in respect to the screeching black vocals, dark riffs and blast beats.
Next are Insurgency. This four piece create a black thrash sound that frankly is extremely entertaining and gripping. These guys can play, and they can play fast. Thrash is the prevalent sound and it’s skilfully performed. Their style is in no way out of place with the black metal on the bill, as it’s suitably raw and nightmarish. Guitar solos flow from the stage, backed by swift, solid riffs. Genuinely, these guys blew me away and at he beginning of the day also! Being a Northern band I hope to catch them again in the near future.
Nefarious Dusk bring black metal back to Cumbria. They are good at this. With bass player adorning a humorous shirt, the band glide through their hideous set and stage craft with ease. The crowd is large, the sound is sticky, these guys are certainly lovers of their dark craft. The sound is trad, dark, proficient, and lapped up by the audience.
Sidious stride confidently next onto stage and keep the black metal candle burning. These London based demons plough straight into 'Blackest insurrection' from their 2022 album in front of a head banging, head bobbing crowd. The screams and blast beats ring out over the forest fitting perfectly into the wooded surroundings. Expertly crafted emblems adorn both bass player and guitarist’s mic stands, while the painted faces of the band carry out their harrowing trade. The traditional black sound is once more soaked up by the crowd with the blast beats drawing the appropriate fist pumping response. 'The Palace Yond The Threshold' triumphantly closes this impressive set, and it’s time for a rest.
The rest is brief as The Infernal Sea are next on the stage and I have been wanting to see these masked entities for a while now.
With faces covered the band appear and the fans respond. They waste no time in kicking the shit out of the Lake District and every one under the gaze of D.L.’s vocals are with them . A pit soon opens and draws in many a punter (including myself). 2020’s album 'Negotium Crucis' was recommended to me by a friend and I have been converted since then. This evening show only adds to that. Powerful frantic metal with ripping riffs, dark vocals and occult lyrics is going down well this evening. The pit is cool and friendly, the band are on top form, and leave a very, very good, black, dark impression.
The musical headline of this Friday night is the Satanic blast of veterans Hecate Enthroned. Tonight they are performing an exclusive set of the album 'The Slaughter of Innocence, A Requiem for the Mighty'. Darkness and rain draw in, but the latter has little effect on the crowd as the stage area is covered, plus rain does not withhold any Satanic witchcraft.
Joe Stamps’ screams ring out into the night air and the pit opens and smiles are raised. Rapid vocal howls keeping the fast pace of the blasting drums. Fans scream the lyrics back in the direction of the stage, and cheers are loud in the quieter interludes. This is a mighty well received set performed with passion and expertise. One that will remain in my memory for a while.
There is going to a be a baptism tonight by Barry the Blackwood Baptist. Alas metal and alcohol have its grip on me. I need sleep. I will witness this tomorrow.
Day two. The rain has not stopped all night. The pitting and the alcohol of the night before are trying to take a toll. A toll I have no intention of paying.
The performances begin today at 14.30 with Blasphemian. This is a one man show with mystical chants and hypnotic drumming. We are joined by an early afternoon crowd. Some of whom enjoy the flow and rhythm of the sounds in front of them, while others seem distressed and confused. You like it, or you don’t.
Decimated Cross bring youth and music back to the stage on this second day. The frenzied drumming stands out while the guys play tunes from their recent album. Their style is of the Scandinavian kind and while certainly not the finished product these guys have potential.
Crunchy, groovy, Scottish riffs bounce forth from the stage next, from Extort fronted by the enigmatic Seb Ross. His face half painted black, he casts a shadow over the amassed crowd. The next thing that dawns on the watching crowd is the skilful nature of this band. The tunes certainly are not black, but they are heavy, and most importantly they are good. Playing many songs from their recent 'Reset' E.P. the two guitarists meet often at the centre of the stage and take the lime light. We are informed that one of the impressive guitarists, Alina Levanova, has Ukrainian roots and the flag of her country is handed to the crowd to wave in a show of solidarity. Its not long before for the bass player joins Levanova in the middle of the stage to show off their combined skills also. This riff tastic set is very impressive and certainly ensures my attendance to their show at Bloodstock 2023 this year.
We return to black metal next with Stahlsarg. Bare footed Jhorn greets the eager crowd and the blast beats reign once more. Their set is professional and they worship at the alter of their fore bearers. This is no mere re hash of the old school though. This band make their mark on this traditional black sound. Sections are slow, sections are fast, sections are very fast. Always well delivered in a gnarly style. The band and audience at times are in this together, and totally at times. Which is an impressive thing to witness.
Defods atmospheric metal calms the air in Fell Foot Wood for a while. This sometimes slower take on the genre is no less impactful with the deep music enveloping the now dry arena. Dark menacing vocals once more sit well on top of this musically clever set. The power of this Welsh band is not only contained in the blasting sound but the interesting mix of music. Vocals scream, vocals growl both are enjoyed by the crowd, who are now loving the music plus the dry weather.
Apologies to Necro Ritual I had to return to my tent for food, and did not have time to witness any of your set. I will remedy this.
When I do return to the live setting the six members of Nemorous are ready to hit the stage. And hit it they do. The atmospheric style once more lifts the crowd helped massively by the vocal prowess of vocalist Nick Craggs. Their songs are long and impressive. The band once again know their jobs and are obviously no stranger to the practice room. This set is emotionally and expertly performed and once more well received. Recyclable cups are raised high in appreciation for this band.
“Fuck off miserable black metal fans” cries Wolfbastard vocalist Derek to a crowd who appreciate his humour. Crusty punk is now infecting the woods and it is going down very well. The fast music is performed by a band who are intent on showing their derision to the crowd. The more abuse that is thrown, the better it is. I have been a fan of their album ‘Hammer The Bastards' for a while but never caught any of their live shows. I promise you, I will be doing this again, and so should you. The explosive fun of the pit is infectious. Even though I have never been told to fuck off by a band so many times in my life. This was an energetic experience, one that was most welcome.
Never mind, we can have a rest to Foetal Juice - Yea right!
With vocalist and drummer on double duties from Wolfbastard, brutal death metal clobbers the crowd. Not one member of the crowd wants to show fatigue, and it’s great. The brutality is immense, it’s no wonder the live performances of this band are already legendary. It’s not just noise by the way, these tunes are well crafted songs with the intent to damage ear drums. The crowd is loving this. As am I.
It’s difficult to ignore such energetic powerful capability from this Manchester four piece. To be honest not one person here has any intention of doing that either. This was a brutal joyous experience.
The true English Black Metal of Heathen Deity close out this festival and are a perfect fit. Their loud aggrieve, pummelling style keeps the energy up high. Hints of NWOBHM mix in with the blast beats of the black, keeping things fresh and interesting. Front man Dagon stares menacingly and triumphantly from the stage at the seething mass of banging heads of drunken revellers. This set is as intense and sharp as it needed to be for a head line set. The music is on point, the vocals on point and the Satanic mood never waivers.
Today has been a good day. But its not yet over yet, another baptising is about to take place. I missed last night. I will not be missing tonight's.
A crowd follows the burning torches carried aloft down to the Moon Pool where another crowd is waiting. Barry dons his ceremonial cloak, pagan prayers are offered then names are called. Each person called is baptised and becomes one with the tree nymphs. This is a sight you will most likely never see at Download.
The ceremony finishes and so does the festival. A festival, from the perspective of a punter, that was run very well, with a good atmosphere and excellent mix of bands and styles. I have seen on social media comments from bands, who performed at the festival, also complimenting the back of house running of proceedings. So the only word that can be used is success, along with "well done Darkness Over Cumbria 2023".
I will be returning next year.