Live Review: Trivium - Rock City, Nottingham
25th August 2023
Support: Bleed From Within, Orbit Culture
Words: Rick Eaglestone
Photos: Philip Piskor
Destination Rock City for night three of the Goblins and Wizards tour
Considering the early doors this evening opening band Sweden’s Orbit Culture were treated to almost a headliner size crowd and with phenomenal new album Descent barely a week old their 30-minute set managed to cram in a decades worth of career effortless with a great reception title track 'Descent' and 'Alienate' from the new release sound particularly thunderous but the particular highlight of the set was 'Strangler' from the Shaman EP.
Moment’s before mild mannered Glaswegians Bleed From Within took the stage the audible tones of Shania Twain’s 'Man I Feel Like A Woman'! Blasted through the speakers which caused a real divide as some people fully embraced it whilst others stood firm with arms crossed.
Tonight even with no Davie Provan on Bass the band put on a captivating set with highlights such as 'Pathfinder' and 'Killing Time' which really set the crowd surfers off, one in particular managed to hand over a fluffy traffic cone hat to singer Scott Kennedy loop back round and manage to retrieve it.
Most of the set was made up of tracks from upcoming album 'Shrine' but unfortunately fractures 'The End of All We Know' was cut short to an injury in the crowd and the band wasted no time in abruptly stopping to make they're ok and taken care of but because of this they had run out of time and were unable to complete their set.
Watching the staging for Trivium is quite honestly a feat meticulous engineering, so already the atmosphere was already being set for something spectacular, obviously there were a lot of dragons for the bands most recent album 2021’s 'In The Court of the Dragon' the main two were reminiscent of the Terror Dogs from Ghostbusters so that had a real 80’s metal vibe to them
This was the seventh time that the band have played Rock City since 2005 and were hugely passionate about the venue recounting various stories throughout the night, and acknowledged the crowd several times regarding the audience participation and because of this the band truly put on a fabulous performance.
Also coinciding with this tour is the 15th anniversary of the bands fourth studio album 'Shogun' so for the first time on the tour performed 'Like Callisto to a Star in Heaven' and for the first time as the band dubbed ‘Metal City’ was 'Of Prometheus and the Crucifix' The band ended their set to a thunderous rendition of ‘In Waves' which sent the audience into absolute raptures and ended a night of technical brilliance
It has been widely publicised that Trivium will be taking a lengthy break after this tour but 2025 sees the 20th anniversary of 'Ascendancy' so who knows, we may see them back…
All photo credits: Philip Piskor