EP Review: Comeback Kid - Trouble
Reviewed by Carl Black
If you're like me and enjoy a bit of hardcore then you might have the same conundrum as me. Because as much as I like hardcore, I also like listening to other types of music. I also like having the occasional beer when I go to concerts, hardcore or otherwise. And most of all I don't really like being physically assaulted when going to watch bands play live. So what to do if you like the odd beer whilst watching hardcore without being brutally beaten up. The solution comes in the form of Comeback Kid. Full of hardcore ethics and enthusiasm but a little bit more dynamic and multi-dimensional then many in the hardcore scene. From the tone and texture of the music you can tell they don't exclusively listen to the hardcore genre, there are other dealings at work woven into their musical fabric.
All four songs on Comeback Kids new EP 'Trouble' have plenty of bounce, energy and contains some 90s alternative. It's a popular and successful combination that has been used by other bands such as A Day to Remember and Turnstile. However, Comeback Kid just have a little bit more hardcore than these two examples.

Opening track 'Trouble in the Winners Circle' packs a lot in for two and a half minutes worth of music. A stripped down verse builds to an anthemic chorus with a surprise emo teased middle eight. Second song 'Disruption' let's go with the punk rock but still has their underline alternative hardcore sat firmly in the driving seat.
'Chompin' At The Bit' is probably the most commercial of the four songs. Definitely more accessible than the other three and a lot more accessible than virtually all of hardcore. And just before the album closes with the 'Breaking and Bruised' a hard-core punk song fights its way out of a mass sing along.
Listening to Comeback Kid you can rest assured that no one will think any less of you if you have a cheeky beer whilst enjoying this EP. You can also listen to some other types of music straight after and again, no one will frown upon you. And most of all you can still flash that award winning smile because you're still have your teeth firmly fixed in your gums as the flying ninjas should be kept at bay.