Album Review: ACxDC - G.O.A.T.
Reviewed by Patrick O'Reilly
ACxDC, or to give them their proper name, Anti-Christ Demoncore make, quite appropriately, one hell of a racket. Celebrating their 21st birthday this is a band who have been around the block a few times, yet this is only their second album. G.O.A.T is an acronym for Greatest of All Time and although I wouldn't quite go as far as describing the band as such they are definitely in the upper tiers of bands in the grind/power violence/ punk genres.
A blistering start to the album comes courtesy of track ‘Wanna See a Dead Body’ and from there the assault never lets up. The album is absolutely jam packed with blast beats, d-beats, frenzied hardcore riffs and a huge range of screamed, hellish vocals. Occasionally the band give a riff room to breathe and slow down to create a bit of atmosphere but then it soon returns to balls to the wall crazy grind.

The level of aggression on this album is off the charts, not only sonically but lyrically as well, thanks to a handy lyrics sheet it becomes obvious that the band are not screwing around, with songs about personal tragedy, self-loathing, politics and social issues to be found on the album.
The jarring lyrics are perfectly married to the outlandish music creating a true frenzy of noisy chaotic grind. As much as I loved the album and felt energized by its furious delivery, I imagine it is in the live environment that this band thrive, and this is something I would very much like to see and experience.
For fans of – Brutal Truth, Dillinger Escape Plan, Insect Warfare, Wormrot