Album Review: Hemorrhoid - Raw Materials of Decay
Reviewed by Patrick O'Reilly
An absolutely stunning, grotesque cover greets the listener to Hemorrhoid’s album ‘Raw Materials of Decay’. A figure of muscle and bone spreads across the album sleeve, flesh sloughing off, veins and arteries and even an eyeball sliding off the flesh, it truly is a great album cover, maybe the best of the year so far? But how if the music? The good news is it's pretty great too.
Hemorrhoid play a mixture of death metal and goregrind, a fairly old school sound with some modern style brutality and slam influences thrown in, heavy on distorted bass and a mixture of chug and blast sections. Vocals are a treat, some really gruesome growls and shrieks that add a real quality to the music.

With a runtime of just twenty five minutes this album really flies by, all fifteen tracks grinding and chugging their way past you before you know it, what impressed me though is the memorable riffs and tracks that stay with you long after the album has finished.
Standout track for me is the title track ‘Raw Materials of Decay’ which features a great sample from David Cronenberg’s ‘The Brood’ before breaking into a super mean sounding riff which is repeated again at the end of the track following a frantic blasting section. True Death Metal Bliss!
If you are a fan of the genre, extreme music or horror or even all three of these things this album will appeal to you, entertain you and have you returning for more, what more can you ask for?