Album Review: Split Iris – Bloodred Dusk
Reviewed by Tim Finch
Finish band Split Iris, fuse modern metal and djent stylings into a behemoth of a sound that can best be described as progressive metalcore. Spotted by the keen eye of Seek and Strike Records, the band this week release new opus ‘Bloodred Dusk’ via the label, forging a near fifty minute long rampage of destruction in front of anyone who dares listen to it.
Their arrangements feature expansive ambiences and massive soundscapes that add depth to their dark, driving down-tuned riffs. Over these heavy foundations, the captivating and catchy vocal melodies soar with clarity.
Straight off the bat the band are battering the listeners senses, from those immensely technical riffs that open ‘The Purge’ through to the hauntingly black segments ‘The Veil’ which burst forth from the dark with soaring vocal melodies to end. The band hit you from all angles in what amounts to sensory overload.

Of the albums lyrical theming they comment: "Bloodred Dusk, is a story of humanity and its looming end. The album reflects on different aspects of humanity’s limits and about its resilience. The story arc moves from a sense of stability to losing all hope and giving up, and finally to finding hope even amid complete ruin with seemingly no possible future for humanity. From the deepest moment of despair there is still a spark of hope to be found for a brighter future. But will it be enough? Is it already too late? What will it take to fix humanity’s course? That is the theme and the core thought underlying the story."
And if the weight of the lyrics weren’t enough, the rasping vocal grows mixed with the clean melodic singing sit juxtaposed in interesting mix of anger and harmony.
Throughout this album the band keep the listener on the edge of their seats, from the intense onslaught of ‘Defiled’ and its nightmarish screams through atmospheric eerie ‘Drown’ and onto the fast paced, technical brutality of the albums title track. This release is one that will not let you relax for a second!