Giant Walker Release New Single 'Halcion'
This is the second new single Giant Walker have released since their debut LP 'All In Good Time' which dropped in 2022. Since then, the band has finely honed their songwriting skills making them not only exceptionally talented musicians but also well versed in how to write an incredibly catchy song.
Check out the vid for 'Halcion' below and hear for yourself what all the excitement is about...
Guitarist Jamie Southern reflects on the creative process, stating,
“The initial idea for the song emerged from a drum groove, although it evolved through several different iterations before culminating into its final form. Sonically, it’s quite dark and angular, and so, when it came to crafting the lyrics, the aim was to encapsulate that feeling of uneasiness that came from the music and weave it into a story.”
He continues,
“It just so happened that amidst writing the song, I ended up watching a documentary about a serial killer, which felt very fitting to the music, and so, this ultimately shaped the lyrical direction ‘Halcion’ took.”