Bloodstock Bound: Lurcher


Bloodstock Bound: Lurcher

As Bloodstock gets closer, we delve deep into the line up to find out more about some of the bands playing the New Blood and EMP stages at this years event.

Today we chat with Lurcher!

The Razor's Edge: Please introduce yourself and your band mates.

Lurcher: Hello, I’m Joe Harvatt. I play guitar and sing in Lurcher. We have Paul Williams on bass guitar and vocals, and Simon Bonwick on drums.

The Razor's Edge: How would you describe your sound?

Lurcher: I would describe our sound as stolen elements of my favourite bands of the 90’s diluted by a slapdash attitude to detail and left ringing in the ears of follicularly challenged ageing males. For fans of stoner, grunge and some elements of 90’s British rock melody.

The Razor's Edge: How did you land your spot on the Bloodstock bill?

Lurcher: We’ve been fortunate that everyone in Lurcher has played the various other stages at Bloodstock over many years in different bands. Simon and I played on the Ronnie James Dio stage with Hark and Paul has played the Sophie Stage with Flayed Disciple. So I’ve been in touch with Simon Hall at Bloodstock before and saw that he was looking to book for the EMP stage, we contacted him and it was easy as that. Bloodstock really does have to be applauded for supporting the grassroots of heavy music in the U.K. whether through their Metal 2 The Masses competitions or through booking and supporting emerging artists through these smaller stages.

The Razor's Edge: What does playing at Bloodstock mean to you?

Lurcher: Bloodstock is the best outdoor U.K. metal festival in my eyes. I think it might be the perfect size and setting to foster an atmosphere that can’t be rivalled, and we have many memories here, so to be part of it in any way is incredible for me personally, and something I’m always proud to shout about.

The Razor's Edge: For people who’ve never seen you live, what can they expect at Bloodstock?

Lurcher: We’re excited to bring our energy to some new faces. It’s a classic, no bullshit rock’n’roll show, loud guitars, good songs and good helping of guitar solos.

Bloodstock Bound: Lurcher

The Razor's Edge: What day are you performing?

Lurcher: We are performing on the Saturday, in the evening, times TBC.

The Razor's Edge: What other bands are you looking forward to watching at Bloodstock this year?

Lurcher: Not sure on how times will pan out as we speak, but looking at the flyer it’s another killer lineup this year. It’d have to be Clutch, Opeth, Carcass and Deicide to name a few!

The Razor's Edge: Playing the EMP Stage is just the first steppingstone in a bands journey. What’s next in your plans for world domination?

Lurcher: Next step for us is to just keep playing shows and getting new material out there. We just take everything as it comes in Lurcher and enjoy the process. But if anyone reading this wants to support us, stream our music wherever and you can buy CD’s from us online.

The Razor's Edge: Are you camping with the fans? Which campsite are you heading for?

Lurcher: I think we have artist camping, but I’m sure we’ll be checking out the whole site and taking in the atmosphere.

The Razor's Edge: It’s festival weekend, what’s your food vendor of choice on site?

Lurcher: There’s always so much choice… Pretty sure I had some decent BBQ food and dirty fries last time, I’ll be up for that again.

The Razor's Edge: See you at Bloodstock in a few weeks!

Lurcher: Can’t wait! See you all there.

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