Bloodstock Bound: Absolence

Bloodstock Bound: Absolence

Bloodstock Bound: Absolence

As Bloodstock gets closer, we delve deep into the line up to find out more about some of the bands playing the New Blood and EMP stages at this years event.

Today we chat with Absolence

The Razor's Edge: Please introduce yourself and your band mates.

Absolence: We are Absolence, Mike (Drums and Vocals), Chris “HateRiff” (Guitar), Chris “Evo” Bass, Tom (Guitar) and Will (Vocals).

The Razor's Edge: How would you describe your sound?

Absolence: Metal (but we love to explore this genre), our sound is made of the stuff we like. Headbangers, screams, glorious cleans, grooves and energy.

The Razor's Edge: How did you land your spot on the Bloodstock bill?

Absolence: We were set to go again after reaching the final of M2TM Merseyside but Merseyside was cancelled this year due to Andy’s poor health (get well soon Andy!). So we got asked last minute to jump onto the Burnley heats after some great gigs this/last year there. We learned from our defeat last year and formulated a plan to come back stronger and leave nothing to chance, the rest is history! We nailed the plan and won.

The Razor's Edge: How tough was this years M2TM competition?

Absolence: The hardest part was probably for the crowd to listen to us three times in one month hahaha! But seriously the bands we met along the way were so nice (personally and musically) and gave the judges a lot to think about in making the decision to put US through instead of them. With our plan and how we wanted to execute it, the real test was making sure we left everything on the stage every time and stayed consistent.

The Razor's Edge: What does playing at Bloodstock mean to you?

Absolence: One of our goals this year was to play a festival, but never did we expect it would be Bloodstock. This is the pinnacle of every single one of our musical achievements, losing the final last year and coming back with a plan and mindset made it so much more satisfying. For what Bloodstock does for unsigned bands cannot be overlooked.

The Razor's Edge: For people who’ve never seen you live, what can they expect at Bloodstock?

Absolence: We take our music seriously but we don’t take ourselves quite as serious, so you're going to be entertained. But most of all you guys are gonna head bang and find out all about the Absolence experience 0 gimmicks, 100% Metal!

Photo Credit: Craig Alexander Photography /
Photo Credit: Craig Alexander Photography /

The Razor's Edge: What day are you performing?

Absolence: Friday on the New Blood Stage. See you there.

The Razor's Edge: What other bands are you looking forward to watching at Bloodstock this year?

Absolence: Architects, Whitechapel, Hatebreed! But mostly looking forward to checking as many bands as we can and finding new favourite bands.

The Razor's Edge: Playing the New Blood Stage is just the first steppingstone in a bands journey. What’s next in your plans for world domination?

Absolence: After the gig, drinking a metric ton of JD!! After that we will get more songs out and set our sites on continue the plan on being one of the best support acts to larger bands and venues across the UK.

The Razor's Edge: Are you camping with the fans? Which campsite are you heading for?

Absolence: I am going to make full use of the artist camping, but we have friends in the fans camping so we’ll be about.

The Razor's Edge: It’s festival weekend, what’s your food vendor of choice on site?

Absolence: Absolence are self-titled takeaway connoisseurs, if there are kebabs, pizzas, chicken sandwiches and burgers we are going to be all up in that sh*t and telling everyone we meet were they should go! Bring it all on.

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