Album Review: Cult of Orpist - Attack of the Zombie Cans
Reviewed by Dan Phipps
Cult of Orpist are a Greek band formed in 2021 and have until now a sole release under their name. The band play a death/thrash hybrid and they draw influence predominantly from the thrash side of those styles, specifically more of a 1980's sound. After the 2021 EP release they are now ready to release a full length collection of material titled Attack of the Zombie Cans.
Attack of the Zombie Cans is certainly a record in which the Greek band are wearing their influences on their sleeves, shirts, shorts and anywhere you can really get a band logo. It's a pretty raw unapologetic thrash album which lacks originality yet contains a definite charm with how the band are paying tribute to the bands they draw influence from. You get the feeling the band have really put a lot of passion in to the song writing and you do hear a real energy behind the music which I feel does wonders for how the tracks come across through the speakers.

In total you are treated to nine songs which have a real kick in them for the most part right from the first note, full of attacking duel guitars that hold razor sharp tightness all throughout. I think that's what I like about the record, it's not overly flashy, it's just solid tight playing that really helps the songs progress. Where I feel Cult of Orpist don't hit the mark is where they try to add something different with the track Homage. This is a slower track and feels very forced and I don't feel the placement towards the end of the record works in its favour either.
It's not going to win any originality awards but Attack of the Zombie Cans is a solid bit of nostalgic sounding thrash with a huge 1980’s vibe. If you can get down with pure Kreator and Slayer worship then you should give this a go.