Album Review: Heinous Exsanguination - The Stench of Decaying Flesh
Reviewed by Dan Phipps
Formed from a mutual love of creating heavy brutal music, composed from a more straightforward approach and raw production Heinous Exsanguination are a two piece slamming brutal death metal project signed to US label Gore House Productions who will be releasing the bands debut EP The Stench of Decaying Flesh in September.
Now the key thing I first hear on the initial play through is that Heinous Exsanguination does not equate raw production to mean poor production, in fact the production on The Stench of Decaying Flesh is extremely good and a very enjoyable aspect of this EP. The instruments have a real deadly crunch to them and this really works in the favour of the song craft on the release. When dealing with slam heavy bands I am quite picky with what I find enjoyable as bands who rely on this style in the forefront of their music can be quite dull, now Heinous Exsanguination definitely have their heads screwed on correctly when it comes to composition of the style.

Yes it is very very slam heavy but the band mixes in different groove styles within the songs to add depth, with the EPs opening Engorged With Hatred having more of a goregrind beat in the drum pattern which I did really like. It's a swift affair seven tracks in total which gets you from 1 to 7 in under 20 minutes, and if I'm being honest that's really enough, short, sharp and brutal that's what you get and i've heard so many released completely wear out their welcome in a similar period of time but you don't get that feeling with this EP.
Simplistic and barbaric are the words I would use to sum up this EP. Heinous Exsanguination provide a straight up, stripped down punch in the gut that sticks within the remit of straight up slamming death metal yet has enough creativity not to be a cut and paste job.