DEVIL’S ISLAND featuring HollowKin

DEVIL'S ISLAND featuring HollowKin

Welcome to this weeks edition of Devil's Island! Every week we maroon a band or artist on the island and see what they get up to, how they cope with being all alone on a small island in the middle of the ocean. It's not your average desert island and we'll see just how each person copes with the extreme conditions.

This week when we arrived at Devil's Island we find HollowKin sat on the beach. The island is far from their home, so how did they end up here and how did they cope with life on Devil's Island? 

Find out now...    

Welcome to The Razors'e Edge and our somewhat lovely, warm desert island. Don't worry about it's name I'm sure it's not as bad as that would suggest. 

You're marooned here on this island, but before you ended up shipwrecked you chose one album that you couldn't live without. Which album did you each chose and why?

DJ: Machine Head - Through the Ashes of Empire, it's just my favourite album of all time.
James: I just wonder why we're touring on a boat?
DJ: Jersey. Yeah. The Isle of Wight and Jersey. The Southern Isles tour.
James: I'm going to go for Plains of the Purple Buffalo by *shels, because it is… epic.
Dan: No idea, what that is! No idea!
Beau: I think it's John Williams, the soundtrack to The Pacific, along with the soundtrack to Elemental.
DJ: Because you cried.
Beau: Yes I did!
DJ: So did I!
Hodds: Probably Awa…
DJ: He’s the bassist, don’t worry about him.
Hodds: Awake by Dream Theater.
Dan: Nice. It would be The Days War for me. Lonely the Brave.

Just behind that palm tree is a shack for each of you to stay in, with enough space for you to put up a poster on the wall of one album cover. What album cover do you each chose?

Beau: Hmmmm. Not a porn album?
James: A porn album? You want the sexiest cover you can think of?
DJ: That's what I was trying to think of.
Dan: Around the Fur by Deftones?
DJ: Deftones Around the Fur. That's a good shout. Yeah.
Dan: The first ever album I bought was Metallica’s Black Album. So in, ode to that, I think it would be that.
James: Just a black square on the wall?
Dan: Just a black square with a little snake yeah, that’ll do.
Hodds: So this is going to go on the wall is it? I mean, I have posters on my wall.
James: Yeah, so you and Beau are spooning up under a palm tree.
Beau: I was about to say I wouldn’t have posters because I’m not 13 but then Hodds was like “I’ve got posters”
DJ: I would choose… I want to say something by Evanescence just because I was a massive Amy Lee fanboy when I was like a teenager. So whichever of the albums has got Amy Lee on the front would be my pick. Just because…
Dan: You need something to do.
James: We’re all just a bunch of horny bastards? So I'm going to break the trend. Well, I say break the trend, Dan had a black square on the wall!
DJ: Yeah, the White Album by The Beatles?
James: Yeah. I'm going to go for a band called Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean and it's called Obsession Destruction. And it's just a seriously badass album cover. It's not my favourite album ever, but I can look at that cover forever.
Beau: Appetite for Destruction. The original, the one which was banned with the monster.
Hodds: I mean I would like to have the Mayhem with the guy’s head, but I’d actually have Rust and Peace by Megadeath because I think it's pretty cool and I like, weird stories to do with the Area 51 and stuff, I like aliens.

There's also a bar on this here island. But alas each of you only get to choose one drink for the entirety of your stay. What's your tipple of choice?

DJ: Rum, Kraken. Or dead man's fingers, but Kracken is nice.
Beau: Amstel
All: Amstel?
Beau: That’s what I like!
James:  I could go for Westons, cider.
DJ: Henry Westons? Because it’s really strong?
James: I mean, it's gut rot. But then again, I could go all fancy and go for a cocktail. In which case I’d go for a Concrete Sazerac.
Beau: And the good thing is, we don’t about hangovers because we're on an island and we’ve got fuck all to do.
DJ: Yeah, just look at Amy Lee.
Hodds: Yeah, or the Mayhem guy’s brain hanging out.
James: Oh! You meant the bootleg cover? The snuff one? Oh wow!
Hodds: Yeah, yeah, that's the baddest album cover.
James: I think you might put DJ off if he’s looking at Amy Lee and then sees that!
Hodds: He’d need some more Kraken.
Dan: A cocktail is a good shout. A mojito yeah, I think I'd have to go with that.
Hodds: I would just go for cheap beer. I’m easy to please.
DJ: Share the Amstel.
Hodds: Yeah. Lots of cheap beer. That's all you need?

Your suitcases were lost when your ship sank, but you each managed to salvage one item of band merch. What’s the merch and for what band?

DJ: My, I Prevail t-shirt. I've turned into a vest.
James: I was gonna say my Sepultura t-shirt that I've cut the sleeves off as well. I got it when I saw them play in Bristol supporting Motorhead. So yeah, I've had it for probably 15 years.
Dan: There’s, an old A hoodie I have. I used to wear that bad boy out every Friday night and, it doesn't fit, but it's just like the nostalgia.
Hodds: I’d obviously go for a Misfits t-shirt. Just that the Misfits logo alone is so cool.
DJ: (to Beau) Guns of roses. Appetite for Destruction t-shirt?
Beau: Probably my Parkway Drive vest.
DJ: Vesty boys!
Beau: The only thing is fitness. It's a cheap t-shirt and it's kind of riding up at the front like a little crop top or something.
Hodds: That's becoming a thing though?
James: And who's going to care about that on a desert island?

You’re sat on the island thinking “I’m stuck here on this island with my bandmates for eternity”… who would you rather have been shipwrecked with?

Beau: DJ’s wife!
Dan: Stop avoiding the question!
DJ: Who would I rather be shipwrecked with? A pilot!
Beau: A transformer that could fly.
Dan: If it's excluding the band, then it’d be my wife.
James: Yeah, I'd have to say the wife and the dog.
Dan: Isn’t it just one?
James: It didn't say one, it just said who?
Beau: I would also say my wife.

DEVIL'S ISLAND featuring HollowKin

There's a walkman in your pocket, on the tape inside is the recording of the one live show that stands out for you. It could be any show, from any band, anywhere in the world. What show is on that walkman?

Hodds: That's tough.
DJ: Easy.
Dan: Killswitch Engage that fucking gig is insane.
DJ: There's a show that Machine Head. It was like four hours long, and they did everything in San Francisco and it is exhausting to watch but it's also got everything. I think it has to be that. Or S&M by Metallica.
Dan: Oh, yes. That's just incredible.
DJ: Or Disaster Pieces by Slipknot.
James: I did watch the Nine Inch Nails Woodstock thing the other day when they all came on, like, just absolutely covered in mud.
Hodds: Is that is that the one on Netflix?
James: No, I don't think it was 99. It was the one before that.
Dan: Before it turned to shit.
James: Yeah, it’d either be that or there's a Converge set from Saint Vitus from a few years ago that's on YouTube that I watched a lot of times.
Beau: Well I don't know what gig it was but it was like the last one the Queen did before Freddie died.
Hodds: For me, it's the Dream Theater one that was filmed in London because I was there and I could be like “I was there”.

You're getting desperate, you decide the only course of action is to put a message in a bottle and hope someone finds it. Your message could be to any member of any band, but should be the most suitable for a rescue attempt. Who is it?

DJ: Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden with his fucking aeroplane. His Jumbo Jet.
Hodds: Or the drummer from Pink Floyd because he can fly a helicopter.
Dan: Yeah! You’ve got a bit more manoeuvrability with the helicopter.
Hodds: Or maybe Alex Terrible since he can beat up bears and stuff. That’s something you’d probably want.

You've been stuck here a while and food supplies are running low. There's only one thing for it... which fellow band member gets sacrificed to help the others survive?

DJ: Hodds
Hodds: I’m all gristle.
DJ: But he’s also the bassist so…
DJ: James, really, because James wouldn't eat any of the rest of us because we’re all made of meat and he's a vegan so there wouldn't be any point.
James: I also think I would probably give up the easiest, so I’d be like “fuck it, just eat me”
DJ: “Oh no, death give me your sweet release.”

Finally, when the ship sank you each managed to save one person from the wreckage. That person is the one musician that has influenced your career the most, shaped your way of thinking and your outlook on life. Who did you save?

Hodds: I'd say John Petrucci, I mean, still Dream Theater orientated but I think I’d learn alot from that guy.
James: I’d go, Max Cavalera, he’s my go-to.
DJ: I think I'd have to go either. Rob Flynn Machine Head probably, it's that or James Hetfield but I think Rob Flynn.
Dan:  For me, it’s Justin Foley the Killswitch Engage drummer. He’s fast! Insane! Incredible drum parts.
Beau: John Williams.
DJ: John Williams?!?!
Beau: I like John Williams!
Dan: Who’s that?
DJ: He writes musical scores. He wrote everything like Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Home Alone, everything.
James: Didn’t he do Superman?
Beau: Yeah, probably.

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