Live Review: New Years Day – Glasgow

Live Review: New Years Day - Slay, Glasgow

Support: Fearless Vampire Killers, Conquer Divide
29th January 2024

Words & Photos: Laura Muraska-Ross

As I arrived at Slay, a venue I had never been to before, it was clear it was going to be a good night, as I had to fight my way through the crowd which was already packed right back to the entrance, to put my things in the cloakroom.

I arrived just as the first support act, Fearless Vampire Killers (named after the 1967 Roman Polanski comedy horror film ‘The Fearless Vampire Killers) were on their last few songs. My first impression of the band from Beccles, England, was that they were giving me early ‘My Chemical Romance’ vibes with their heavy eyeliner, emo hair and matching outfits consisting of blue shirts, and black bullet proof vests. I was definitely intrigued by them and could tell they were natural born entertainers, especially vocalist/guitarist Keir Kemp who was holding the crowds full attention with ease.

I’m not entirely sure how I hadn’t heard of this band until now, due to them having what seems like a large fan base and being formed in 2008, a time that was rife with emo bands. However, this could be due to the band taking somewhat of a hiatus in 2016 when co-vocalist/guitarist Laurence Beverage left the band, only to return with a secret show under a false band name in 2022 and then returning fully under their original name.

Since then, they seem to be staying strong and have come back with new singles under their belts including their latest single ‘Back from the Void’ which was released September last year and have been doing gig after gig, making sure to keep a heavy online presence on their socials.

All in all, the few songs I did catch intrigued me enough to add them to my playlist for future listening and if they came north of the border for another gig I would definitely try catch their full set.

Photo Credit: Laura Muraska-Ross

Moving on to support act number two which I finally managed to take my place in the pit for. The lights turned green and red and out came Conquer Divide, a predominantly female band consisting currently of five members and described mainly in the metalcore/post-hardcore genre.

I was instantly taken in from the first song ‘Atonement’ which opened with screaming vocals, heavy power chords and a memorable riff. Then as soon as lead singer Kiarely Castillo started singing I couldn’t help but think, if the bands Paramore and Kittie had a baby this would be the result, which might sound like an odd combination, but I was blown away from the get go.

The band initially formed in 2013 in Michigan by guitarist Kristen Stirgus and ex member Suzie Reagan, had since seen a few line-up changes and for this particular tour supporting NYD, saw the lead singer of A War Within, Spencer Maybe, take up the spot of bassist and secondary vocals within the ensemble.

You could instantly see the chemistry within the band just worked, they knew what they were doing and were doing it very well, I couldn’t fault any of the musicians individually or as a whole group. They seemed to just play one great song after the other throughout their set, my personal favourite being their single ‘system_failure’ which showcases each of their individual talents perfectly, with an electronic sounding hook repeating in the background, double bass drums, melodic and alternating vocals and heavy guitar.

Throughout their set, they never stopped giving, which definitely won over the crowd who were moshing, head banging and clapping along to every song. Singer Kiarely and guitarist Izzy Johnson seemed to have an incredible bond which was evident on stage, particularly when they did their ritual style handshake like you would with a best friend in the high school playground.

At times, I forgot that Conquer Divide weren’t the main act, which can only mean they were good enough to totally engage your attention, I am sure I am not the only one that hopes to see them headline their own shows in the UK and Europe in the near future, and hopefully play some festivals too.

Photo Credit: Laura Muraska-Ross

This brings us to the main act of the night, New Years Day. The Californian goth metal band kept the crowd waiting, arriving to the stage around twenty minutes late. I wasn’t sure what to expect after I watched the staff take all of the speakers, cables and equipment off stage apart from the large drum kit. However, as soon as lights went dark and guitarist Nikki Misery entered the stage followed by the rest of the band, the crowd were radiating excitement.

Starting their set with their song ‘Vampyre’ which is a dark gothic horror type piece mixing very heavy guitars and drums along with singer Ash Costello’s haunting vocals was a great introduction for me to the bands style and what seems to have gathered them quite the following, enough so that most of their shows on this tour were sold-out according to their socials.

Again, I wasn’t sure what make of the four-piece and their choice to have no frills on stage other than themselves, however I was pleasantly surprised and soon realised that their whole act is very theatrical and captivating.

Singer ash makes sure to use every part of the stage as her main prop along with witchy hand movements and poses with her body that were like a piece of interpretive art. Along with the two guitarists Nikki and Jeremy Valentyne who were adorning leather outfits with signature black emo hairstyles and what seemed to be zombie-esc makeup, they constantly moved around the stage, adding to the drama. Drummer Tommy Rockoff was equally captivating, making sure to add as many stick twirling, double bass drum tricks in as he could into his already awe inspiring playing.

Photo Credit: Laura Muraska-Ross

The crowd seemed to be encapsulated the whole way through and at one point Ash announced that she wanted to spend some time with the people at the back, swiftly making her way off stage, followed by guitarist Nikki and snaking their way into the middle of the crowd where they played a song surrounded by fans and a mosh pit forming around them. This was definitely a highlight of their show and seemed to solidify their bond even more with their fans.

I can’t say that NYD’ genre of music is my go to when it comes to what I like to listen to on the daily, however, I was surprised that I liked it as much as I did, and I can see why they have a huge loyal fan base wanting to do meet and greets, and support them at every show. They definitely give back to their fans and it was apparent they appreciate them in their journey.

I would say it was an odd and somewhat clashing mix of genres when it came to the three bands of the night as a line-up, but it seemed to work.

The highlight for me was Conquer Divide, who I can see playing larger venues and headline shows over here in the very near future. FVK are notably seasoned pros in the business and will continue to have a fan base and tours as long as they want to do it.

Judging by the crowd reaction that night and how their tour has gone, NYD will be back again soon, so watch their socials closely, if you also love the gothic metal/rock genre, you won’t be disappointed!

Photo Credit: Laura Muraska-Ross
Photo Credit: Laura Muraska-Ross
Photo Credit: Laura Muraska-Ross

Photo Credits: Laura Muraska-Ross

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