Album Review: Corpsing - Viewing the Invisible
Reviewed by Dan Phipps
London Death Metal veterans Corpsing have been crafting for over 2 decades with its guitar duo of Mick and Giuseppe Cutispoto being the cogs that have kept the machine turning since 2002. The band have had its share of line up changes and this new release Viewing the Invisible sees this duo working with an entire set of new members along with some very special guests.
Viewing the Invisible opens with its most varied track “Be the Pack” it's a quite savage slab of old school death metal which breaks down towards the end with a great groove filled thrash metal style section of furious riffing which will cause many a neck injury I am sure. From that point onwards Corpsing goes for a straight forward pure old school blackened death metal sound in the vein of Immolation & Gorguts to name just a few this also includes a guest appearance from Luc Lemay for the full effect.
Really led by the duel guitar work the remaining 3 tracks are sheer precision in their construction raw and sinister riffs are found throughout the release and are complimented nicely by the furious drum work. Vocally this release is also very cool, the technique is extremely low and guttural yet the performance is not illegible and that is a part I find really enjoyable. Along with the previously mentioned Luc Lemay, Corpsing are joined by Akercocke frontman Jason Mendonça who provides his voice to the release.
This is an extremely well crafted release from the grizzled veteran death metal band. It's a really solid blend of the old school style but given a more modern production whilst remaining very honest to the production values of the classic bands. If you want slick old school death metal then Corpsing have delivered exactly what you need.
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