Album Review: Birthmarks – …And Then The Rain Stopped

Album Review: Birthmarks - ...And Then The Rain Stopped

Album Review: Birthmarks - ...And Then The Rain Stopped
Reviewed by Neil Bolton

Birthmarks is the baby of Daniel Cross. His last project was Little Death Machine. He has stated that he feels as though the machine has died and he wishes to work on a new adventure. This adventure is Birthmarks and this album is formed around a very personal break up Mr Cross suffered a couple of years ago. In fact he has been constantly changing, rewriting, and editing this piece of work until the last opportunity. Once recorded, at The Garage Studios in Hertfordshire, his emotional trauma is now placed on record. His soul is now open and left available for the listener to share in his pain. He is/was in pain.

The lyrical content of most of this album is very personal and bleak. The music is electronica indie style, with a use of traditional guitars alongside the synths and samples. The focus though is Danial Cross and his mindset at the time of writing and recording. There is no masking the honest, raw and hurt lyrics and vocal tone you will hear on this record.

Album Review: Birthmarks – …And Then The Rain Stopped

Birthmarks do play live with Jason Fletcher on drums, vocals, and synths along with Jonno Lloyd also assisting on vocals as well as synth, guitar, and bass. This record may appeal to someone who has suffered a tough break up, but this person will most likely not be a leather jacket wearing, satanic t-shirt wearing head banging music fan. This is a band that would fit well on a Radio 1 playlist or a small tent at the Reading festival. This album is genuinely honest, it is not some shallow attempt to become a pop star; Daniel Cross means this, this is a heartfelt piece of work. I hope he finds this album cathartic and that he can heal this hurt but still go on to be a productive song writer and performer.

Birthmarks release '...And Then The Rain Stopped' on March 27th

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