Album Review: Body Count - Carnivore
Reviewed by Carl Black
Let me start this review by telling you what this album is not. It is not a subtle, tip toe, art pamphlet collection of songs. This is a tell them how it is, like it or lump it, subtle as a hard-on in a nunnery, assortment of tracks that punch you square in the face. The meanings of these songs are not open to interpretation, and if you ever doubt the subject matter, Ice-T himself tells us exactly what the song is about. As a side note, this is not rap metal, this is a nu-metal/hard-core album, sung by a rapper. There are no turn tables or samples on here. No drum machines, hardly any raps to be honest. Ice-T spits urban poetry delivered with spite and venom. This is a long way from L.G.B.N.A.F.
Ice-T may not be classically trained in the art of vocals, but he’s got charisma, aggression, charm and passion by the truckload. His heart is on his sleeve at all times, so much so, that if anyone else were to spit these lyrics and play this style of metal, in this day and age, they would be dismissed as corny and old hat. Ice pulls it off and then some. Examples? The title track, not only does the lyrics cite eating meat, and tearing flesh from the bone, it also has a guitar lick that sounds like Godzilla using a chainsaw on his Jacobs. 'Thee Critical Beatdown', it’s about fighting, Ice has an argument with himself during the song, and then starts fighting with himself, complete with comedy sound effects. If this song is chosen for a video release, I’d expect to see the protagonists, disappear into a cloud of dust with arms and legs momentarily visible as the whole ugly scene moves along the road, much like a fight scene in Scooby-Do.

We get two cover versions, one, a tribute to Lemmy from Motorhead. Again obvious and clear that this is a Lemmy tribute, not only does Ice tell us at the beginning of the song but also he covers the most famous, iconic, instantly recognisable Motorhead song in existence, 'The Ace of Spades'. No album track or forgotten gem here. The second is covering an Ice-t song. 'Colors' gets a Bodycount make over. Plus, we get three guests, Riley Gates, Jamey Jasta and Amy Lee, as good as Amy is and she has a wonderful voice, I think Maynard from Tool would have been my first pick. Ice is still hating police… still likes to say his name in songs…. still likes to tell us where he came from… (although he’s seems to have dropped the Bitch this and Bitch that from his lyrics).
It’s nice to know in an ever changing world we can rely on certain things. Rely and trust in this album and Ice-T. You just have to sit back and enjoy it. And you’ll do that with a smile on your face.
Body Count release 'Carnivore' on 6th March via Century Media