Album Review: Warbringer - Weapons of Tomorrow
Reviewed by Neil Bolton
The excellent Warbringer bring us their sixth studio album named 'Weapons off Tomorrow'. They have already established themselves as a respectable thrash metal band who have their own distinctive sound. A sound with roots in old school thrash metal plus a capability to be modern and relevant. Formed in 2004; Warbringer have been chiseling away at a career since then. Sometimes named neo-thrash, sometimes new wave of thrash, their admirable work effort has kept them alive with only a small hiatus midway through their operation.
'Weapons of Tomorrow' opens up with little thrash gem named 'Firepower Kills'. Straight away you get what any thrash fan wants; fast, aggressive musicianship with a high pitch scream of the title of the track blasting into your eardrums . Brilliant chugging riffs bounce along while the guitar solo taking centre stage, then we are off again. Circle pits will form (anti-clock-wise obviously) and heads will bang.
'The Black Hand Reaches Out' kicks in and is little reminiscent of early Testament. Well if you’re a thrash band its going to happen at some stage and this is meant to be is a compliment. Once again excellent metal song-writing craft keeps the momentum going, your foot tapping and head nodding. These bodily movements will not cease while this fine example of speed and precision is bursting though whatever speakers you chose to enjoy this through.
Throughout the album a high standard is maintained and is concluded by the well named 'Glorious End'. Anthemic guitars once again lead us to a massive thrash riff and then an explosion of metal. The lyrics scream “I hear a call to arms, I shall answer at once” and these are words I implore you to follow. Rally to this call to arms and revel in the thundering thrash of Warbringer.
This band have already made a mark on our music scene, I am sure this release will make that mark a little larger and louder.
'Weapons of Tomorrow' is released on April 24th via Napalm Records