OHHMS Announce New Album 'Close' To Be Released In June.
Since forming in 2014, OHHMS have grown into a bonafide staple of the underground UK metal scene and beyond for their amalgam of progressive rock and doom.
With their third album ‘Close’, the Kent based band bring in an autobiographical approach to their latest collection of songs - where previous efforts tilted their focus to the occult and animal rights - exploring themes of domestic abuse and the roots of trauma it sows.
Whilst they’ve never shied away from nods to luminaries such as Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath, OHHMS in 2020 are a far more multifaceted animal - with jarring Big Black esque noise rock and 16 style sludge bludgeon creeping into their arsenal of sounds (Revenge and Destroyer, in particular). This barrage of sludge and noise finds itself situated between swathes of melodic melancholia and reflection, inviting the listener to contextualise the anger on display at a deeper level.
Close is less a case of trimming the fat so much as it is honing it into pure muscle, with towering rhythms that roar with credence on tracks such as Unplugged and spacious melodies littered throughout the entire album’s runtime.
With age can come reflection and harnessed wisdom which, for all the wall of sound on show, lies at the very heart of the album’s core - which in and of itself is the most astonishing accomplishment amongst the band’s fury.
Their brand new single 'Alive!' will be out on May 1st.