Single Review: Onslaught - Religiousuicide
Reviewed by Gareth Pugh
It’s about time we had some new music from Bristol thrash legends Onslaught. OK we had last years 'A Perfect Day to Die' but that was very heavily, and obviously, influenced by Motorhead and the late great Lemmy, right down to the bass lines and Sy’s vocals, who has sadly now left the band.
It was great fun to be fair, but 'Religiousuicide' is a much more standard Onslaught thrash piece. The intro fades in and then - BAND - we're off with a twisting serpentine riff and a super aggressive vocal arrangement, new vocalist David Garnett literally spits out the obvious anti-religious lyrics with real venom.
It’s short and sweet, fast, brutal with a pummelling arrangement, the chorus is fantastic, and the circle pits are going to be vicious, I'm telling you, there will be blood. The production is heavy as hell, dirty, low-ended and bass driven, it’s not perfect, but that’s what makes it perfect for this style of music. This is ugly, violent thrash metal, it needs this type of sound, and not to be clean or over-produced, and if this is representative of the new album as a whole, 'Generation Antichrist', we are in for a treat. Welcome back.