Album Review: Wolves Don’t Sleep – Clarity
Reviewed by Neil Bolton
As metalcore has never really tickled me at all you may need to bear with me a little on this release. 'Clarity' is a four track E.P. by a band who are only five years into their existence, to compound this fact you should know that this is their second recording as well. Many bands at this stage of their formative years are still trying to conjure up a catchy name.
Hailing from Nottingham, this four piece have released this collection of songs based upon the personal battles of lead vocalist Steve Bond. He has wanted to capture his struggle with anxiety, depression and self destruction, a move which can only be applauded. This subject matter is personal and many an artist may wish to keep these struggles away from their metal persona. Metal is often still seen as a macho genre of music to the uninitiated, when in fact there are many layers of the onion to be explored. So singing about any subject that may be seen as weakness to some should be congratulated by the initiated.
'If I Am The Snake Then You Are The Ladder' is the first number on here and it punches in after a small fade-in. Steve’s vocals are high in the mix and are the perfect example of what I would deem a metalcore voice, he must have many heroes in this field to use as a foundation to his style. The band, and music too, are perfect examples of the metalcore experience.
As we move onto 'Self Destruction' the vocals retreat to an echoey approach briefly, until they resort once again to the same volume and style as the first track. The personal trauma is a lot more obvious in the lyrics in this one, and musically once again the music sticks with the minimum use of a riff that this style is known for. There is a pleasant guitar solo until once again we return to the norm.
Wolves Don’t Sleep are an excellent example of metal core, if this style floats your boat, then you just may have another vessel to enjoy.