Interview: Gareth Endean, Author of 'Half a Ton of Heavy Metal'
Interviewed by Paul Hutchings
Have you ever had that conversation in the pub, in the queue for a gig or whilst chatting in the campsite at a festival? The question? Make a list of 50 metal albums, starting in 1970 all the way through to the current day. Only one album per band. If you haven’t had that chat with your mates then you certainly will have if you read a new book by devoted metal fan Gareth Endean, for ‘Half a Ton of Heavy Metal' does just that. In his book, Gareth aims to chart the journey of our favourite genre from the darkened industrial heartlands of the Midlands 50 years ago through to the modern champions of today. As he states in the introduction, it’s not a list of the best 50 albums of all time, the best album of each year nor even a list of his personal favourites. It’s a fascinating read, and one well worth looking at. Paul caught up with Gareth to find out about the book, his love of metal, his previous foray into publishing, his radio show The Metal Show on ERB Radio and a lot more.
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