DEVIL'S ISLAND featuring Capulus
Welcome to this weeks edition of Devil's Island! Every week we maroon a band or artist on the island and see what they get up to, how they cope with being all alone on a small island in the middle of the ocean. It's not your average desert island and we'll see just how each person copes with the extreme conditions.
This week when we arrived at Devil's Island we found Bournemouth based rockers Capulus sat on the beach. The island is far from their home, but how did they end up here and how did they cope with life on Devil's Island?
Find out now...
Welcome to The Razors'e Edge and our somewhat lovely, warm desert island. Don't worry about it's name I'm sure it's not as bad as that would suggest.
So you're marooned here on this island, but before you ended up shipwrecked you chose one album that you couldn't live without. Which album did you each chose and why?
Tom: I’d have to grab Avenged Sevenfold’s ‘Nightmare’ album, it has it all. Brutal metal and melodic softer tracks, it’s a masterpiece!
Josh: Devin Townsend ‘Empath as it has so many different styles in one album.
Alex: The Division Bell , Pink Floyd. My favourite one!
Giac: Songs for the Deaf - Queens of the Stone Age. Cos it will give me the strength to survive in the island and it is an amazing album
Just behind that palm tree is a shack for each of you to stay in, with enough space for you to put up a poster on the wall of one album cover. What album cover do you each chose?
Tom: Tool’s Lateralus, I could look at that thing for days, it’s hypnotizing!
Josh: Walk the sky by Alter Bridge because it gives off a feeling of hope.
Alex: Hysteria , Def Leppard as it will describe perfectly the situation. Ahah.
Giac: 10000 Days because I love the graphic art of Alex Grey and Tool are the band that brought me to listen to several bands I listen today on a daily basis
There's also a bar on this here island. But alas each of you only get to chose one drink for the entirety of your stay. What's your tipple of choice?
Tom: All I need is a pint of Thatchers Gold and I’m good, I drank it as a daft student and I’ll drink it as a daft ‘adult’.
Josh: Peroni
Alex: Disaronno on the rock.
Giac: Double JD and coke. I really like the taste of the two together.
Your suitcases were lost when your ship sank, but you each managed to salvage one item of band merch. Whats the merch and for what band?
Tom: My signed Megadeth Dystopia album, owning something that was in the presence of Mustaine, Ellefson, Chris Adler and Kiko Loureiro, I’m incomplete without it!
Josh: I would have to choose the set list that Myles Kennedy threw to me when I went to see Slash, Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators it even has Slash’s footprint on it.
Alex: A Capulus’ hoodie! Really useful in case the temperature drops!!!
Giac: A Pantera hoodie, cos I freaking love that band. Probably with the Vulgar display of Power album graphic.
You’re sat on the island thinking “I’m stuck here on this island with my bandmates for eternity”… who would you rather have been shipwrecked with?
Tom: Dave Grohl, that guy seems to have so many stories to tell, and he seems like the guy you’d want to have a pint with!
Josh: Ricky Gervais as I’d need someone to make me laugh.
Alex: Doesn’t really bother me at all being stuck with the guys. Quality time that we could transcribe in music one day.
Giac: With Gavin Harrison, Benny Greb, Thomas Lang and Marco Minnemann so I have a lot of time to improve my drumming skills with my favourite players.
There's a walkman in your pocket, on the tape inside is the recording of the one live show that stands out for you. It could be any show, from any band, anywhere in the world. What show is on that walkman?
Tom: Iron Maiden’s ‘Live After Death’, that was one of the albums that sent me down the path of metal. It also showed me the faster is always better.
Josh: Avenged Sevenfold Live at LBC. That show is incredible.
Alex: Rock in Rio , Iron Maiden
Giac: Live Proof 101 Pantera. Best live album ever!
You're getting desperate, you decide the only course of action is to put a message in a bottle and hope someone finds it. Your message could be to any member of any band, but should be the most suitable for a rescue attempt. Who is it?
Tom: Brian May, of Queen. The guy has a PhD, he’s smart enough to figure out a plan of rescue, and he can do it all whilst playing the solo to Bo’ Rhap’.. plus he’d have 20p to lend so you can buy a Freddo upon arriving home.
Josh: Ozzy Osbourne, he would have no clue what to do and would be completely useless but I think it would be funny seeing him shouting to Sharon for help.
Alex: Nicko McBrain probably! He is the suitable one for this role!
Giac: It's for Dave Grohl. He inspires me and the whole musicians world I think.
You've been stuck here for a while and food supplies are running low. There's only one thing for it... which fellow band member gets sacrificed to help the others survive?
Tom: Giacomo, he eats very well from what I’ve been told.
Josh: I would also eat Giac because the amount of wine he has drunk over his 33 years of life must have marinated him well.
Alex: That’s interesting. Probably I will personally let the fate choose for us, maybe have some kind of battle! Ahahah.
Giac: I'll sacrifice myself.
Finally, when the ship sank you each managed to save one person from the wreckage. That person is the one musician that has influenced your career the most, shaped your way of thinking and your outlook on life. Who did you save?
Tom: I’d save Myles Kennedy, he always seemed like such a down to earth person, all whilst being in a band with Slash as well as being in Alterbridge! His attitude towards music is the right way to be.
Josh: I would save Slash he has influenced my guitar playing and was the gateway for me getting into rock music. Plus his hair is heavenly I could use it as a pillow on the island.
Alex: Bruce Dickinson
Giac: Gavin Harrison, I learned a lot from listening to his albums and watching his videos.
Some very interesting Q&A’s
I know that being unable to gig during COVID Capulus have felt like they have been stranded on a desert Island ?
Great band and let’s hope that 2021 gives them the profile they deserve ???\m/