E.P. Review: Zebadiah Crowe - Lych Milk
Reviewed by Neil Bolton
Lych Milk is a companion E.P. piece to the earlier released 'Cloven Hand' E.P. The 'Cloven Hand' contained three Zebadiah Crowe tracks remixed and re-built by Seething Akira and Lord of Ruin. This time, the three tracks are demolished and revamped by the Zebadiah Crowe themselves. With re-recorded and and re-imagined concepts the band intend to fill your life with horror and fear with these numbers.
Indeed, the first track 'Gallows Wood' begins with a desperate, other worldly, blood soaked voice introducing you to the world that Forrrthen (guitars) and The Horrid (vocals/bass/drums) wish to transport you to.
The horror theme continues when the music begins. Brutal heavy sounds and instrumentation sit well with the Zebadiah Crowe trade mark vocals resonating like a ghoul in the depths that glistens with evil intent and Hellish thoughts.
The second tortured track is 'Sabbaticus' and the established theme persists with brutal blast beats that pummel and batter while you listen in fear and with dark interest. The drums pulse and throb in this track while the low in the mix chorus wails in the background. Your head bobs fast and your foot taps frantically.
'Footprints' is the final slab of music on this E.P. and the atmosphere of fear does not abate. Brutal, well played, and well imagined blackened thrash metal is seeped into the bones of this release.
This is a very professional way to enjoy this band’s re-imagined music and frightful ideas. I warn you, you may not wish to listen on your own though!