E.P. Review: Drug Church - Tawny
Reviewed by CJ Claesson
“Too poppy for the heavy crowd, too heavy for the poppy crowd” - a statement which most accurately describes the attitude and output from post-hardcore / punk rock outfit Drug Church. Over the years I’ve come to terms with the debated prefix “post” in relation to a cemented and celebrated genre. Mainly because I naively bought into the notion that it must derive from post-mortem (after death), and except for perhaps the Warrant brand of 80s hair metal - I wouldn’t declare any genre I’m actively listening to as deceased. It’s the evolution of the prefix-given genre that keeps it colorful and interesting - without discrediting the roots.
Drug Church have flawlessly kept the raw energy and aggression of hardcore punk whilst heavily infusing it with distinct 90s grunge immodesty and catchy pop-like qualities. With three full-length albums in their backpack the Albany/Los Angeles-based five-piece is now teasing fans with the EP ‘Tawny’, invoking hope for an approaching LP4. Consisting of four songs, two of which previously released as singles and a cover of ‘Remember To Forget’ by Minneapolis punk rock heroes Arcwelder, the EP serves as a bridge to their 2018 full-length album ‘Cheer’.
For followers of Drug Church, the EP is a guaranteed home run. The previously unreleased opening track ‘Head-Off’ exhibits all the elements which make the band so distinctively diverse and inviting. Pummeling drums together with scintillating guitar lines are framed by Patrick Kindlon’s vocals which range from an almost Robert Smith calm to powerful and desperate aggression. The title-track ‘Tawny’ and ‘Bliss Out’ are increasingly more stage-dive compatible - and the hardcore punk qualities are in full effect. The gain is turned up - both guitars and vocals are shrieking in satisfying harmony. The energy is top-shelf and all I picture is a basement club full of sweaty people jumping in perfect synch, screaming along to the biting lyrics. We miss that scenario, don’t we?
This mix of catchy melodies with a powerhouse foundation makes Drug Church so appealing. Serving as a continuation to their previous releases, the band has clearly made some additions to their songwriting-tool belt and I am looking forward to what’s to come. Even if they take the route to include more melodic songs with layered vocals on the full-length than on previous releases - this EP shows that they are not straying away from the aggressive punk rock bite which puts the recreational substance in the sacramental wine.
As one fan commented under the Youtube stream of ‘Tawny’, I too would like to receive more information about joining Drug Church.
‘Tawny’ out via Pure Noise Records on June 25th.