Single Review: Gospelheim - Into Smithereens
Reviewed by Tim Finch
It’s not often you find a band labelling themselves “occult rock” that also possess the quality to keep the listener engaged for any period of time. But in Gospelheim, there is now an occult rock band that producing music of a quality that will no doubt grow into a huge fan base over time.
‘Into Smithereens’ is the new single from the group, released today and taken from the bands forthcoming debut album. From the opening moments of the track, a foreboding, haunting atmosphere is set, the guitars dripping in black metal influences, but as Coco’s initial vocals kick in you realises this band has a lot more to offer.
More melodic than any outright black metal band, Gospelheim build off a black metal foundation but with a user friendly sound. Coco’s voice dualling beautifully with guitarist Ricardo’s to produce an intoxicating aura.
The song is about ambiguity, feeling misled and searching for guidance whilst lost within a purgatory like state. The accompanying video captures the mood perfectly, its monochrome production adding to the atmosphere the song has already created.
Gospelheim have yet to play a live show, they debut with Dawn Ray’d this coming September. Off the basis of this debut single the prospect of their live shows and the full album promise much. I cannot wait to see what is yet to come!