EP Review: Hellevate - The Purpose is Cruelty
Reviewed by Neil Bolton
We receive a short lecture on the manner in which man worships God in the spoken intro to Hellevate’s new E.P. before the thrash begins.
The first, and title track, of these five melodic thrash numbers has clean aggressive vocals emanating from the fury of vocalist Robert Browne. He is backed up in this charge by a competent band who sound just as furious. The riff is fast and catchy and is stripped back in the mix with the frenzied drumming level a little higher. This band have no issue with the music taking centre stage here with Browne stepping back for a brief spell while the speedy melodic tune rips along.
The second number 'Dagon' keeps the energy high with a nasty little riff that speeds up during the outset of this tune. There is an air of the traditional metal sound in this song, which in my eyes can never be seen as a bad thing. A catchy head bang inducing break down appears in the mid section followed by a fast thrash guitar solo that is both proficient and entertaining.

This band have shared the stage with many thrash and metal alumni such as Exodus, Kreator, Overkill and Destruction, and the quality of these tunes shows why. 'Buried Under Mistakes' again keeps the faith with a quality riff that once more quickens just as you have grown accustomed to it. Once more a screaming solo shoots from the speakers, keeping the old school vibe alive.
Don’t be fooled by that last statement though, this is no mere re hash of things you have experienced before, there is a air of freshness with this thrash. 'Die or Be Killed' and '(NO) Further Action is Required' finish this E.P. with a small tinge of power metal flowing through these tunes. This genre is blended with a small amount of nu metal also. Don’t let this put you off if those styles get your heckles up. It's only a small touch.
Come on, look at the quality of the E.P. art work. Once your eyes take in that beauty you know the type of metal you are about to experience.