Album Review: Dead and Dripping - Blackened Cerebral Rifts
Reviewed by Daniel Phipps
Evan Daniele is a multi-instrumentalist from New Jersey who in 2016 began Dead and Dripping as a project to showcase the entire repertoire he was able to offer. Working alongside Transcending Obscurity records Dead and Dripping are set to unleash Black Cerebral Rifts which is the third release within the band's back catalogue.
Black Cerebral Rifts is an album of its own and with it Dead and Dripping show that they are not a band who want to follow a particular path in the creation of Death Metal and showcase influence from a variety of styles within the genre. Let's start with the sound featured on this record and that sound is dark. With vibes which channel the uneasy and downright evil tones of a band like Incantation & Immolation and this sound is perfected beautifully through the album's tracks from its slow and churning sections into its more furious technicality. We then move onto the bands musical composition which is both technical and extremely sporadic showcasing an incredibly interesting display of guitar and drumming from which I get a huge Defeated Sanity meets later era Gorguts sound when I listen to the record as they match the creativity with equal measures of brutality.

These tracks whilst being extremely creative are definitely something you need to sit down and give full attention to as you could easily miss some of the background work going on throughout the whirlwind which is going on. We then move onto the final aspect of Black Cerebral Rifts which is its absolutely brutal undertones which are especially evident within the albums vocal display which goes from your standard classic death metal growls into ultra brutal gutturals with the click of a finger. You put all these things together what you are left with is a extremely solid slab of death metal which scratches so many different itches with the style.
There really is so much to take in within this collection of tracks, and when you see a band really know a genre and use all of its creativity in one release it certainly is a refreshing listen. Within Black Cerebral Rifts you hear Dead and Drippings musical knowledge break through and it offers an extremely satisfying listen.