Album Review: Gama Bomb - BATS
Reviewed by Richard Oliver
Thrash metal is one of those unique subgenres of metal in that, despite the chaos and intensity of the music, it can be done in a very serious or very silly nature. One band that has always embraced the fun and absurdity of thrash metal are Northern Ireland thrashers Gama Bomb who from day one have been releasing high octane thrash with oodles of fun, pop culture references and their silly sense of humour running rampant throughout.
With their eighth album “Bats” very little has changed in terms of the ethos of the band as the album is riddled with silliness and lots of humour but there are a few twists, turns and departures with the music this time round. I can hear the alarm bells ringing amongst the thrash metal hordes already but don’t worry although there are some different influences and sounds this album is still thrash to its core but there are nods to old school heavy metal throughout such as in ‘Rusted Gold’ and ‘Dreamstealer’ whilst ‘Egyptron’ features a bizarre guest appearance from hip hop pioneer The Egyptian Lover and album closer ‘Bats In Your Hair’ features a saxophone solo.

There is also a punkier edge to their sound this time round with songs like ‘Living Dead In Beverly Hills’ and ‘Don’t Get Your Hair Cut’ coming close to a crossover thrash sound. 21 years in and Gama Bomb still have boundless levels of energy which can be heard in the performances from the band and frontman Philly Byrne’s vocals still sound suitably mental but also like he is having the time of his life.
At this point in their career, Gama Bomb know what they are doing and they are one of the best bands going if you want fun filled thrash which isn’t to be taken seriously but you can still headbang like a maniac or dive into a circle pit to. “Bats” is another solid entry in their discography and proof that thrash metal is far from dead even when played for laughs. If you want some fun and energetic thrash then “Bats” is well worth your time.