Album Review: NecroticGoreBeast - Repugnant
Reviewed by Daniel Phipps
There are lots of bands riding the slam train at the moment, and let's be honest a lot of them are absolute shit. The style is becoming a dumping ground for moronic rubbish where the bands wouldn't know a riff if it kicked them in the genitals. French Canadian 4 piece Necroticgorebeast are definitely an exception to this very blunt stereotype of the state of slamming brutal death metal. Having been so high on their previous full length Human Deviance Galore and last year's split release with Kill Everything, Virulent Excision and Gorepot I was excited to hear what the band had come up with on their third full length release titled Repugnant.
What was very apparent early in the record was the band trying to experiment with the classic slam riff formula to not be quite as generic with them, a track like Unsedated Face Removal actually reminds me in places more of Meshuggah than your prototypical slamming death metal band. It's only a subtle difference but it's enough to ensure you hear something different from the band.

Another area where they have made adjustments is adding a more dark element to some of the riffs especially early in songs so you get a different mood to start a track. Just like on the band's previous material Necroticgorebeast are not reliant solely on the slam riffs and Repugnant showcases the band delivering some seriously intense death metal track compositions. Repugnant has a really great flow as a record and it's run length just flies by, it's a really crushing display of death metal full of groove which with the flick of a switch turns into raging fury.
Necroticgorebeast have delivered another monster record full of killer grooves and nasty, savage guttural vocals. The band have made some really nice adjustments to their songwriting which really added a nice new element to what they offer. It's not an original album but it's a really fun and nasty record and that at the end of the day is what fans of brutal death metal are going to want 9 times out of 10.