Live Review: Wheatus - Epic Studios, Norwich
Words & Photos: Tom Atkin
I don’t know what it is about Norwich, but it seems every show lately has pulled such a varied crowd. I think some of tonight’s attendance has been influenced by TikTok seeing as Wheatus had a massive trend going on there.
You know it is going to be an interesting show when Brendan Brown comes out to the front of the stage before the show starts and asks if there is any particular songs fans want to hear. I figured this was a bit of fan service but I was incorrect.
They open the night with 'The Deck' which was the first song I heard requested at the pre show interaction. After this the tone was set for the night, as Brendan explained that the whole set would be fan requests. I have never been to a gig like this and I am excited to see how it plays out.
Wheatus have five albums and a bunch of EP’s that is a long list of songs people can shout out at them. Thats a massive variety of songs for them to know off hand. So the crowd erupts with various song titles. The band pick out 'Leroy' as the next song and smash through it with ease, This format seems to really work with the crowd. They are getting the songs they love the most.
Wheatus’ cover of Erasure’s classic 'A Little Respect' is shouted out next. This feels a little odd as it would normally be a song for the later half of the set. The stage set up tonight also isn’t exactly the norm, the whole band is in a semi-circle round the edge of the stage. With drums to the far right. This feels as though it is meant to represent a somewhat equality throughout the band.
It is genuinely a fun performance, the band interact with each other really well, messing with each other to a certain extent. Crowd interactions a plenty. The rest of the night is literally just the crowd shouting out whatever they want. I wondered if this was the same across all their current tour so checked out the set lists from previous dates; Yep, all different, every night. Songs like 'Wannabe Gangstar', 'Lemonade' and 'American In Amsterdam' are definitely a staple of the set and requested a lot!
I think the most surprising thing for me, 'Teenage Dirtbag' wasn’t requested until the end. The fanbase here, are definitely committed to the band, Not just wanting to hear their most popular songs.
'Hump’Em N’ Dump’Em', 'Whole Amoeba' and 'Tipsy' are throw in to the mix as well all to the happiness of the crowd. Every single song is played extremely well, I listened to the recorded versions whilst writing this review and they didn’t skip a beat on all the tracks.
In total, we were treated to nineteen of their songs. With 'Teenage Dirtbag' of course being their last song before the encore of 'People'. If you get at chance to see Wheatus on their current tour, I definitely recommend it. They are fun, perform well and create a great atmosphere for their shows.
The Deck
A Little Respect (Erasure cover)
That's True
American in Amsterdam
Chan's the Man
I Am What I Is
Hump'Em N' Dump'Em
Wannabe Gangstar
Hey, Mr. Brown
Whole Amoeba
Mary Mary Sea Serpent
Teenage Dirtbag
Photo credits: Tom Atkin